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The $75 E2140


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dude, you have one of the best overclocking CPUs *EVER IN HISTORY*...


if you can get 3.6 GHz stable that's a 125% OC!!!! that's a ludicrous high OC...


you owe it to yourself to get a better heatsink... 86

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My next newegg purchase will include a heatsink. ^_^ I noticed other people with the 100% e2140s and the retail HSF had MUCH cooler temps. At first I thought I seated mine the wrong way, or did the paste wrongly...but their HSFs were copper on the bottom. Mine is all aluminum. ;)


I just googled get_saif's mobo, and it's $300! What an odd combination!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Sorry man, I stopped subscribing to this! Hmm, sorry to hear you're not getting 100% outta the 2140. A lot of people have been, particularly on the IP35-E motherboard.

Here's what my BIOS looks like (off of the top of my head):

vCore: 1.345V

NB: 1.37 V

SB: 1.65V? (works fine at stock)

CPUGLREF (I think that's what it's called): 63%

RAM: 2.05V (although 1.9-2.0 work fine too)



RAM timings don't seem to matter. The things that seem to matter are the CPU voltage and MCH (NB) voltage. The wall for me is actually this harmonious 400MHz number. I can push it to 413MHz, but it fails graysky's x264 benchmark. The strange thing is, it won't be happy until I up the voltage to 1.385V. At that voltage it can go quite high, 450x8 @ 3.6GHz...it can probably go higher but the temps scared me.


Anyway, at those settings and 400x8, I'm pretty happy. 24x7 BOINC get's the CPU up to 75-79C, usually somewhere in between that. Intel says that's okay.


I have a feeling though, that it depends on your motherboard or your RAM. What's the stepping on your e2140? There's a new one floating around called M0 (I think). Intel says its tjunction is 100C compared to 85C for the L2! If you have that then it's definitely your mobo or RAM holding you back. But I'm surprised the L2 stepping isn't getting you 100%.




I just wanted to make it clear that ORTHOS really does manage to raise the temps A LOT. I think that's why they call it a stress test. Like the graysky x264 benchmark barely raises the temps above 70C, if even...BOINC to around 77C. ORTHOS...86C, wowwwww.



hi, well i have stabled it idle at 45 ~ 46 c @ 3ghz. mine is MO stepping. on load reaches 60 ~ max 65 c. i think the processor can survive this. havnt changed any volt, all auto, mobo takes cares of it :0)

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