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Overclocking my Calculator


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Alright, I've decided to OC my Ti-86, mainly so I can look cool, but this thing is silly slow compared to Ti-89s, and Ti-84s. It's not like I have anything to lose anyways as this thing is pretty old, and I have a Ti-89 for Calc next semester as backup. If this goes right, I'll have a toggle switch to toggle from normal speed to about a 300% speed boost. I'll be using this guide, and a cheap 30w pencil soldering iron (Yes, I know this'll be difficult with the tools)


Here it is opened.




Unfortunately, when I was trying to desolder the 22pf capacitor, my flathead skidded across the PCB and knocked 2 of the microprocessor pins out. I managed to resolder one back on, the other one I'll have to rerun... :(




Now for good and bad news... I managed to solder the new leads (to go to the switch), but burnt the LCD ribbon by accident... I killed one tape strip (I was happy and frustrated at the same time, I only killed one lead, but I still burnt it haha) So I'll have to rerun that too :(





Now I'm trying to solder the ridiculously small 22pf cap to the switch (So I can toggle from OC speeds to normal) to a SPST toggle. I'll have fun with this, I managed to get it on there... sort of, It's hanging cock-eyed off the switch with .25mm of solder :lol:





Note the holes next to the ends of wire, that's where the switch will go.


So, I'll try and finish later. If I can get the cap soldered, I should be in good shape. The things I broke is pretty easy to solder :D Any tips to get this thing soldered/connected?


I have another project I'm going to attempt to do too later... If you have any ideas what it is from the following materials, give a guess for a cookie :) I'll be using a Cadium-Sulfide Photocell, a 1/8" microphone cable, a laptop with mic input, a laser attached to a tripod, and the neighbors window. :ph34r:

Edited by The Unforgivin

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lol, that's gonna be one wicked calculator if it fires up after all that. :lol:


My guess: Long distance listening device. Just have a feeling. ;)


It'll fire up, trust me :thumbs-up: The things I broke have huge leads, which means easy soldering for my abilities :D


ZOMG, I got the thing soldered in!!!! I might have this thing actually finished tonight




Aye, your right for the listening device too.

Edited by The Unforgivin

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lol, congrats. Fire that thing up and tell us how it runs doom. :lol:


I figured you were going to make a LR mic with that stuff. Hell I did it my sophomore year in HS. Oh man, those were some fun times filled with reckless endangerment and things we shouldn't have had yet somehow still got our hands on...Kids, M-80's(yes...) and Gasoline(yeah...) and bottle rockets(wouldn't be right without them) should never, ever, ever, EVER be kept within 10 feet of an open fire...I admit, I was a complete idiot 2 years ago.

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awsome, so when you flip the switch .... do you get the boost?


err... Everything is wwwaaayyy faster (just graphing something simple like y=sin7x+1 is just worlds away, before I'd sit and watch the thing struggle for ten seconds, but now, it pretty much halved the time). But by the looks of it, the switch has no effect. I think I may have knocked of that dang 22pf cap when I was reassembling the thing, so it's stuck in "turbo" mode.


But no artifacting/errors when I compared it to my ti-89, so I don't mind :D Also, the battery cover doesn't close all the way since the switch sort of made its way to the battery holders, so I had to do some body work and push the batteries over to make room... nothing that some duck tape can't fix :lol:


I'm really surprised that the thing works now... after all that damage I did to it :lol: I might dissemble it and fix that cap, but I dunno if it's worth the effort or not.


It's still slower than my 89, but not by much.

Edited by The Unforgivin

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Bravo! I'll bet you're going to be the only kid in your school with an OC'd Ti-86. :D You should be proud.
Probably the only kid in his school who knows what OCing is...


Those pics are kinda large BTW, maybe a resize?

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