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All In One 8800GTX


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I was wondering if there was an all-in-one 8800GTX watercooling kit? It doesn't need to be extreme or perform the best. Just cheap and keep the GTX cooler than it is with the stock hs/f.


Im thinking something like Coolermaster Aquagate Mini R120 for 8800GTX? :thumbs-up:


I just want something better and no hassle.

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As somebody who has a water cooling rig, and has done a fair amount of research before setting it up and afterwards, I can honestly say most prefab kits are a complete waste of money from what I've seen. You're better off getting a good air cooler for the thing. If you want to go with water, do it right. And the way you want to go about it most certainly is not the right way.

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As somebody who has a water cooling rig, and has done a fair amount of research before setting it up and afterwards, I can honestly say most prefab kits are a complete waste of money from what I've seen. You're better off getting a good air cooler for the thing. If you want to go with water, do it right. And the way you want to go about it most certainly is not the right way.

:withstupid: If you're looking for something "simple" and "easy", WC definitely isn't it. You'll have to put the system together yourself, even if you buy a crappy Thermaltake. Buying parts seperately is the only way you'll get good performance. If you're concerned about the parts being expensive, turn yourself around and get the heck out of the WC arena! Seriously, a full coverage waterblock for an 8800 is going to set you back at least $100. That's in addition to the $250+ you'd have to spend just to get a worthwhile CPU cooling loop.


Do yourself a big favor and spend $50 on an HR-03 Plus.

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I just found a review of the aquagate on a 8800GTX not impressive and loud. But I will keep looking for other options. What im looking for is small, better than stock 8800gtx cooler but not outrageous like $300 watercooling setups, affordable and not too loud. What would a low price range diy gpu watercooling setup cost me and how would it perform? Recommendations?

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