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Best 120MM case fans

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I purchased a scythe S flex fan for 20.00 and it seems to be nice and quiet and move a decent amount of air.. Does anyone have any other recommendations? I believe a purchased the SFLEX that moves around 63cfm P/N:sff21f.

Thanks OCC!


Anyone interested in an Antec Nine-Hundred Case shipped to your door for 80.00 after rebate? Nice looking case. Seems like a good deal.

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Yate Loon! Their 120mm fans are awesome. They are the only manufacturer that I've seen who labels their fans with honest dBA and CFM ratings. Since they're a manufacturer and not a brand, the prices are much lower too. Compare the Nexus "Silent" 120mm fan to a Yate Loon D12SL. The former is three times as expensive ($15 vs $5) and they're the exact same fan! ...actually, I just found the Yate Loon D12SL for $3. Now the Nexus is FIVE times as expensive. :P


Yate Loon FTW! :D

Edited by Bleeble

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Thanks!!! No more 20.00 Sflex fans for me... Nice fans, except the price tag.

"San Ace" fans are top notch quality, with great CFM/dB ratio and they last forever. Bit larger center section, which would be a problem on a small heatsink, but as a casefan they are great. It is only larger due to them using bigger, longer lasting parts in their fans.


Their real name is "Sanyo Denki", but are fairly hard to find and most people go by San Ace.


**edit** Quick google found them, but they are out of stock currently - it still looks like they are pretty hard to get your hands on! http://www.petrastechshop.com/12x38sadesan.html . Take note that they are thicker then normal fans, but with 102cfm and only 39 db you cant have it all. Do not take for granted the static pressure that many manufactureres do not advertise. While not the important when used as a case fan, on a heatsink it is something to look out for. More CFM doesnt always mean more static pressure, which is basically how good it will be at pushing past restrictions like fins on a heatsink.

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