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Quadcore at 33C with Tuniq


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Hello all,


I got my new system up and running. It's a quad core with the new stepping. I was expecting temperatures in the mid-40's. But, My BIOS and every other software that I works is telling me between 27 to 33 degrees Celsius. There is a minor overclock that barely is 100 mhz. I realize that software utilities are known to be wrong. But should I believe that my motherboard is saying it's 33C??? (MSI P6N Diamond)



Btw, Is 69C alright for my 8800GTX? The temp goes down when I adjust the gpu fan, but it resets after restart. Really annoying.



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Hi great start on the quad, great temps :) As for your 8800 yep thats fine, the 8800 will auto throttle at i believe 110c, thou i adjust mine to do this this at 90 via a bios flash, but yes that temp is ok for use. Use rivatuner to adjust the fan to 100% all the time will help alot on temps. i did this also via bios flash. Can over clock alot better then.


Nice work thou.

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Ambience seems to be about 36/37 degrees in every program and BIOS.


Trying to run this baby in full load is hard! I'm currently downloading 3DMark06 Basic right now.. Until then, I'm doing the following...


a virus scan on the highest setting.

NVidia stability test with all components

Downloading 3dmark06



Of all that, the highest temperature i can get is 44 degrees celsius in SpeedFan. Nvidia Monitor showed 26 degrees when bios said 33, so i'm guessing it's off by 7 degrees. The nvidia monitor now reads 37 degrees, add 7, so it's right on with speedfan at 44 degrees. (at 3ghz)


The cpu goes into power saving mode, so it clocks down to 2ghz. Within seconds, the temperatures drop back to 33 degrees. When it hits a spike, the clock increases, and temperatures increase too. It's really neat to see how well it works.


Can't wait till I get my second GTX tommorow and 2 more gigs of ram at the end of the week.


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Editing this last post:::



Well, i've been doing some investigating. The Enhanced Halt State definitely helped the idle temps. I disabled that and overclocked to 3.6ghz. The idle temps went up to about 39 degrees celsius. When running the CPU test in 3Dmarks06, it went up to 54 degrees. I think the G0 stepping can handle that, but the 3dmarks didn't increase by very much at that overclock. I'm back down at 3.3ghz. Idle sits around 35 and burns at 50 at full load.(CIE off)


So, that explains the confusingly low temps.

Edited by IceDog

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