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Prize Winners Forum Wars

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Congratulations Jammin and Hardnrg and the rest of the winners



The Winners of the GEIL USA DDR 6400 2x 1gb sticks are...

Sir Golitech from BE

Jammin from OCC

Dan0512 from OCF


The Winners of the 1 year subscription to Maximum PC magazine are...

Hardnrg from OCC

GizmoGamez from XCPU

Simonsells91 from PCP

Gtnot from AI

TheLawnRanger from OCA


The Winner of the Thermaltake Swag Kit is...

Sean C. from OCZF


Link to winners

Edited by road-runner

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it's about 125 quid for a 6750, and like 80-180 for a motherboard depending on how much you wanna make the CPU scream... so 250 quid would get you those two bits, add the DDR2 and that's most of a new rig, might have some left over to go towards an X1950Pro PCI-E or something

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