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OK so I have new Parts on order


c2d E6850

G.SKILL 2GB (2 x 1GB)



And I'll be using a 7800gtx

And I'm using a CM Stacker So I have Tones of space.


I want to do watercooling (only processor for now... GPU later) ($400 budget)


the only W/C stuff I'm familiar with is DangerDen. I've been reading around on the forums and nobody seems to be going for them. So whats the stuff to get?

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Here is what I did with my Stacker (parts in sig).



I'd be happy to answer any questions you have about what I did since the pictures aren't the greatest. :D


And here are links to threads where your question has already been answered in great detail ;)






I think the last two will be the most helpful.

Edited by Bleeble

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I'm assuming that you just drilled the rivets on the psu Cage? or was there more to it? The cage is driving me crazy.


and is that a flat black you used to paint the inside? it looks pretty close to the outside (assuming you got the black version)?

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Yes, I drilled out the rivets and broke off the cage from the back piece. I didn't want to have to slide my shiny new PSU in there and scratch the heck out of it. :D


I actually sanded down the entire case and repainted it. I figured that I was cutting it up anyway and it already had some scratches on it, so why not? I used a matte black followed by a semi-gloss clear coat. I can't remember the specific brand I used though. I never ended up painting the side panels since I had planned to replace them, so I can tell you that it actually does match the original paint quite closely. The difference is that the stuff I painted is actually a deeper black.

Edited by Bleeble

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OK, I done a LOT of reading. I think I'm gonna get:


Petra'sTech CoolKit Elite - Rev.2


I'd like to get the Thermochill PA120.2 but dang, ($130+) to get it here and lets not mention how hard they are to find in stock. It will cost me about an extra $55 or so to get it, any thoughts?


I noticed that Road-Runner is running about the same exact hardware setup as I am. He is using a Chipset water block. Should I consider this?

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OK, I done a LOT of reading. I think I'm gonna get:


Petra'sTech CoolKit Elite - Rev.2


I'd like to get the Thermochill PA120.2 but dang, ($130+) to get it here and lets not mention how hard they are to find in stock. It will cost me about an extra $55 or so to get it, any thoughts?

That's a good kit. You certainly can't go wrong with those parts.


The PA120.2 certainly costs more, but there is a significant performance increase as well. In fact, it manages to out-perform Swiftech's MCR320 (triple 120) radiator. Here is some hard data for you: http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=77260. You'll have to decide if you think it's worth the money for the performance. I bought my PA120.3 from Performance-PCs when it was out of stock and got an e-mail telling me they got a few early and my order shipped. :D You should try emailing companies to see when they're going to be in stock. If you ask me, it's worth the premium. The way I see it, if you're going to go all the way, go all the way!


I noticed that Road-Runner is running about the same exact hardware setup as I am. He is using a Chipset water block. Should I consider this?

He also covered a bunch of chips with smaller heatsinks to make up for removing the stock chipset HS. If that's something you want to do, I see no reason not to. Personally, I don't think it's worth adding a chipset waterblock, especially not with a beefy HS like that. However, you may want to talk to road-runner and ask him if he thinks it was worth it. ...And post his response here if you do it via PM. I'm curious as well. :lol:

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so if i'm going all the way how much difference is the PA120.2 from PA120.3?

If you buy from Performance-PCs, the PA120.3 is only $15 more. I imagine it's the same at other e-tailers as well.


It's not a very big difference when you consider the total cost of a good WC system. :)

Edited by Bleeble

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I don't think WC is any more viable of an option for cooling now than it was 5 years ago.


For the same cost you could get a decent air cooler and a better cpu/gpu/ram/psu/[insert anything else here].

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For the same cost you could get a decent air cooler and a better cpu/gpu/ram/psu/[insert anything else here].

This is true, But I've got pretty much the best Hardware, UPS says it should be waiting for me on my front step when I get back home. :D (of the stuffthats logical to get IMO, I'm not a fan of quad core yet) and I don't think I could ever through $1,300 at a EE cpu.


Plus I've always "dreamed" of having a water cooled O/Ced computer. Now I have an education and a real job and some "free" time (don't have to study 24/7), I think I owe myself some type of reward for the last 16 years of school :D Well thats the way I'm looking at it. I'm also not a fan of the new and HUGE HSF's i've seen Mobo's warp due to the weight and torque they make.


I think I'm gonna go with the kit and maybe get a bigger radiator when I get my GPU block. I don't really feel like messing with my video card right now. Its a 7800gtx from EVGA with all the black stuff around it.

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I don't think WC is any more viable of an option for cooling now than it was 5 years ago.


For the same cost you could get a decent air cooler and a better cpu/gpu/ram/psu/[insert anything else here].

Watercooling has never been about low-cost cooling. <_< If you don't like it, don't get it. A good WC setup is an investment that can be used to wring every last drop of performance from your hardware for years to come. It's not something you have to upgrade when your computer plays the latest games at 3 frames per second, like all that fancy hardware. After a point, it just doesn't make any sense to pay more for hardware unless you have big piles of money in the basement of your mansion. He's at that point.

Edited by Bleeble

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