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Vmodding the ATI 9600xt and/or ATI 9800 pro AIW


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ok, so im going to a LAN in a week and pulling 3 all-nighters so i can overclock my PC to the max before i go to college. i have already successfully done a vcore and vdimm mod on my Epox 9NDA3+. proc is a AMD64 3000+ 1.8 default oced to 3.0ghz.


im looking to vmod an old ATI 9600xt or a ATI 9800 PRO All in Wonder. i have watercooling to adequately cool everything so the only problem now is to find someone that knows how to vmod these. ive seen articles for the ATI 9800PRO but not the ALL in Wonder. if anyone knows where i can find a guide or knows someone that can do these, please tell me. thanks a lot.

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