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rig keeps restarting?

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i have got an asus crosshair mobo and it has auto OC since i'm new to it and i keep it on auto but when i go into gamws i can change it to AI -OC where it OC's it self ,latety runs fine for bout 5or6 hours then jus restarts is this the overclock or PSU ? i also have had problems auto updateing the bios from asus it same there no proper bios image on sever file and wont update i am dont want to risk it maneuly and not be able to boot and have to get new bios chip. ALL help is greatly apperiacated and very welcome thanks in advance! Gotta Do Wat Ya Gotta


its a 400w coolmax(going to upgrade) i have no knowalge with OCing and didn't want to screw it up so i went with auto, but i did take the bios back to default, after i cleared cmos. and just keeps restarting even quicker even befor iget to the bios setup option if i wait awile then i can fully boot all the way to windows i have an after market cpu cooler TT orb on there and cpu temps never more than 40 uder heavy load i did super overclock this fairly cheap gpu and i think that may be it....but if gpu is OC too far will it shutdown the whole system like this???

Edited by jjsalas55

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Well, I think you'll find that most people around here aren't too big on "Auto-OC". So I think the first recommendation you'll get is to turn off the auto-OC and OC it for real. That's a lot more predictable, which will help a lot to narrow your problem down.


Also, have you done any stability testing with these auto-OC settings? Do you monitor temperatures? Also, your sig doesn't list your power supply. What do you have?


The easiest thing to do would be to set back to stock settings and see if you still have the problem. It could just be heat. But without more info, we can't really give you a solid answer.

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:withstupid: My first assumption would be heat, but without a little more info it is hard to tell. Like Verran said your first course of action should be to turn the auto-oc off and try the games at stock settings and see if you still get reboots.

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