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My superstable overclock is not stable anymore, what happened?

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About two months ago I started overclocking my new PC and found a superstable OC, or so I thought. The only thing that has changed is I had to RMA the RAM (because it started giving me errors in Memtest) and I upgraded to a Fatal1ty Pro Series soundcard. How can this happen after 20+ hours running Orthos blend priority 7 for 20+ hours the first time and pass? Someone said in a post somewhere that when you change your Ram even if its the same make and model that you still need to reset you Cmos, is that true? I have ran Memtest for 12 hours on my newly replaced Ram with no errors. Any suggestions?



Edited by Systemlord

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Memtest86/86+ only really tests if the memory is faulty or not, it doesn't really show if the memory is stable under a realistic calculation like SuperPi or Orthos... SuperPi 32M is a really good ram test imo... much better than Memtest86+ for overclocking testing...


You shouldn't have to reset the CMOS for RAM... it couldn't hurt if you haven't already tried it though...


Sometimes, memory manufacturers change the specs of the RAM with a number of revisions of the same model... sometimes they use different ram modules which is not documented anywhere... so, the result is that (on top of the usual variations in overclockability) the RAM max stable under something like SPi / Orthos may be a lot different to the previous sticks you had


Basically, treat the memory as new and unknown, so re-overclock it from scratch, making no assumptions based on the previous sticks, you might have to use different timings, speed, voltages

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Memtest86/86+ only really tests if the memory is faulty or not, it doesn't really show if the memory is stable under a realistic calculation like SuperPi or Orthos... SuperPi 32M is a really good ram test imo... much better than Memtest86+ for overclocking testing...


You shouldn't have to reset the CMOS for RAM... it couldn't hurt if you haven't already tried it though...


Sometimes, memory manufacturers change the specs of the RAM with a number of revisions of the same model... sometimes they use different ram modules which is not documented anywhere... so, the result is that (on top of the usual variations in overclockability) the RAM max stable under something like SPi / Orthos may be a lot different to the previous sticks you had


Basically, treat the memory as new and unknown, so re-overclock it from scratch, making no assumptions based on the previous sticks, you might have to use different timings, speed, voltages


Even though I ran my memory underclocked at 800MHz 4-4-4-12 @2.2volts? The two profiles listed in CPU-Z are 400MHz 4-4-4-12 and 533MHz 5-5-5-15 for Crucial Ballistix Tracer 1066 PC2 8500. This RMA'ed ram runs @1250MHz 5-5-5-15 @2.2v, thats 50MHz higher than the first set of dimms. Am I running my ram OC'ed while my FSB is at 400x9?

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You think you got OC problems? I was SMP Stable for a week on given settings, then I lost 3 WU's to instability without changing anything....

What makes that even worse is that all three of the WU's were >80% Completed!!!!



Bah, but I guess I have no right to complain as I haven't flashed my BIOS yet... :(

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Your CPU is a bit on the toasty side. I've come to understand that it's best for your C2D CPU to stay under 65c but if it runs fine for you then congrats. :thumbs-up:


It depends what DTS (digital thermal senser) your reading from, core temps under 65C are safe, 70C warm and 75C hot. The DTS inbetween the processer die is reffered to as CPU temp (overall temp/IHS temp), with that one anything under 60.1C is ok. My CPU temp is no higher than 55C and "core temp" no higher than 65C. In gaming it never get higher than 47C playing Oblivion so I think I'm ok as long as I don't push it anymore. I'd like to get a good quality water cooling system soon.B:)

Edited by Systemlord

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