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Should I remove ram heatsinks' TIMs before applying ceramique?

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I've decided to use AS5 on my GPU and AS ceramique on my vga's ram heatsinks. I read the Arctic Silver Ceramique website and it instructs on how to apply it onto CPUs/heatsinks. Should I apply that same method to ram/heatsinks which came with Zalman vf900-cu for nvidia geforce 6800 GT OC?

Edited by Stealth3si

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i put a drop of superglue at each corner of the ramchip, and a small blob of AS5 at the centre, then press them on and hold them to bond...


AS5 and AS Ceramique won't make the ramsinks stick by themself... you either need to use superglue or forget AS5/ASC and use Arctic Alumina Epoxy Adhesive or Arctic Silver Epoxy Adhesive

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Thanks for the xlnt advice. One final question: Will ArcticClean 1 and 2 (I already have them) be able to remove the superglue if the situations calls for a heatsink removal in the future?

Edited by Stealth3si

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Thanks for the xlnt advice. One final question: Will ArcticClean 1 and 2 (I already have them) be able to remove the heatsinks if the situations calls in the future?


If you decide to use super glue I wouldnt risk trying but maybe there is a substance that is known to remove it without hurting the parts. But, they probably do have something to take off the epoxy.

Edited by SMeeD

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If you decide to use super glue I wouldnt risk trying but maybe there is a substance that is known to remove it without hurting the parts. But, they probably do have something to take off the epoxy.

the opposite is true... as Overclocker16 mentions, superglue (cyanoacrylate based adhesive) is very brittle and the bond can be broken with a moderate amount of rotating twisting force...


good luck trying to remove ramsinks that are epoxied on though... you might be able to heat them up and remove them with a LOT of force, or freeze the entire card in a ziploc bag and then remove them with a LOT of force, but you have to use so much effort that you run the risk of tearing the ram chips off the card because the epoxy bond is so strong...


so yeah, only use epoxy if you don't want to ever remove them... I'd recommend superglue + AS5 because you might want to upgrade the ramsinks, or move them around to accomodate a water block or something... I had to swap the position of two pairs of ramsinks on one of my 7800GTs when I rotated the waterblock, and I'm very glad that I didn't use epoxy thermal adhesive

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Only super glue was mentioned. :P


So I suppose that would be acceptable?


Yes, but not a lot. You do not want to inhibit the AS5 or w/e you are using. Just a tiny bit on the corners is fine.

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