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An Experiment in Airflow

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I don't know much about positive or negative air pressure in a case, but I thought I'd try an experiment. I actually got the exact opposite results than I thought I would.


First, with my case completely in-tact, I checked the temps over a period of a few hours with Core Temp. While folding I have averaged a load temp of 59C.


I have heard, either way, that by simply taking off the side panel of your case you can cool it down, or heat it up. It is a debate, but from what I have read, most people believe that doing so completely alters the positive airflow as the air can move freely around the components. So, I removed my side panel and decided to see for myself.




After doing this my temps actually went down to 55C within seconds, and stayed there.


Another debate I have heard, is whether or not blowing a fan directly into the case with the side off that if it will cool it down. It seems that the majority of the stuff that I have read says that it will indeed lower your temps. So, I used a fan, called a Wind Machine, to see what would happen. This is a serious fan. It is like the Vantec Tornado on steroids. It is so strong that if you pick it up while it is on it will actually start to push against you and try to fly away.




I was astonished to see that after putting this fan against the side of my case my temps began to immediately soar to about 67C, and stay there! Now if you look at the pics, there is a cabinet pretty close to the side of the PC. It actually isn't as close to the back of the fan as it looks. That may have caused the hot air to brass, or rotate back into the fan and eventually the PC. I'm not sure about that, or if it was a factor.


In the end, I felt that this was an interesting experiment. I thought that the temps would rise a few degrees when the side was removed, and that it would really get cooled off by the ginormous fan I put against it. The whole point was that I was going to make a joke and tell everyone that I got a got a great new fan and my temps really dropped, then I would simply post the pic of the fan next to the PC. What I did instead was possibly debunk or prove some myths by trying them on my own.


What does everybody think? Do you think that my exhaust is sufficient, but I don't have enough forced air intake? The Armor case has plenty of filtered ventilation on the front panel along with one 120mm fan. There is also an open "grill" like area on the top. The exhaust consists of a 120mm fan in the traditional rear fan area, a 90mm fan above that next to the PSU, and a 90mm top exhaust fan surrounded by the open "grill." I was using my 4mp digital camera, I promise that even though it looks like the fans aren't moving, they are.

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Every computer I have ever had cooled down when I took the side off. I have folding rigs from 2003 that still do not have the side panel on them. I took mine off my main rig the other day and it dropped 5c and its still off...

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I'm wondering if I should mod the side to accomodate one of my SilenX 120mm fans I have sitting aroung the house. They use a 3-pin header, so wiring and taking off the side isn't a big deal. I could do that and get a fan grill and it would be cheaper than buying the side panel with the fan in it.

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I'm wondering if I should mod the side to accomodate one of my SilenX 120mm fans I have sitting aroung the house. They use a 3-pin header, so wiring and taking off the side isn't a big deal. I could do that and get a fan grill and it would be cheaper than buying the side panel with the fan in it.

You may as well, you have the fan and plenty of time dont you?


Edit: Thats what I should do also...

Edited by road-runner

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Guess I am the odd ball.. (we all knew that)...my main rig runs cooler with the sides on.......

Maybe it depends on the case. I only took the basic physics classes for my degree!


Would it be better to dremel a faux fan grill and put the fan behind that, or just drill the hole and put on a normal grill.


I also just found out that my drill batteries are dead, and so is the charger...hhrmmph!

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Is that one of these Honeywell turbo fans? they are great.


The problem with putting a fan like that so close to a case is that it's open only on 1 side (left side), so you are actually forcing the heat to stay in that area, it's got nowhere to go, hence the heat doesn't really escape (you're actually forcing the heat back into the case). Taking off the right side panel should help but depends on how the case and motherboard tray are designed due to flow of air through that area. Sometimes too much power can be can create adverse effects if the air has nowhere to go.


Experiment by moving the fan further away from the case, try one foot at a time and record the results.


Hope this helps.

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I must say I find these results completely surprising. I am rather afraid to take the side off of my case, as I don't want my cats getting in there, lol.

<trying to get the thought of exploding cats in high-speed fans>

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i know that it's worked for me before at a lan party - the ambient was around 65c or so, and i took one of the box-fans from the back (about 18" in diameter) and turned it on highspeed with my case door off, and indeed it lowered my system temp to around 70c, and my cpu by a few degrees. not sure what it dropped to, but i know they both dropped. it's possible that it your results were indeed caused by the environment, and the space around it. i dunno. interesting how those results turned out though. :)

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