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Lets talk about voltage!

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After this thread kind of got off topic, even though it was mine, I thought I'd start a new one.


When overclocking with your C2D, which voltages do you play with first, and why? I want to try to lower my voltages and temps, but keep the speed I have right now. Some of the voltages i am running may not need to be that high at all. I'd like opinions.


Here is what I have. I am running with the speeds in my sig. The RAM I have does not overclock for poo-poo. I can't even get it to 888 at 2v! So right now it is at stock speed and voltage, Linked and Synced with my CPU. The rest of my voltages are as follows:


vCore: 1.54375, manually set, 1.5 current value

FSB: 1.4

SPP: 1.5

MCP: 1.5 (this is stock)

HT: 1.5


Thanks, maybe we can all learn something here!

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Its all about trial and error, its that simple. Ok do this lower your FSB volts down from 1.4v to the next lowest setting, run Orthos and if you pass after 12 hours (longer is better) then your good. Then move on to the CPU Vcore and lower to the next lowest setting and if you past after 12 hours then your good. Repeat this with all your setting until you hit a point where you can go no lower.


My Vcore is at 1.54 "current value" and my temps are great idling @28C right now and loads no higher than 50C, Core Temp 61C-61C. It seems like you are afraid to go in your bios and make a change, if so maybe you shouldn't be overclocking at all. We will all learn something by actully doing something, we can talk about this until 2009 and learn nothing. There are talkers and there are those who DO. Its so easy a caveman can do it. :thumbs-up:

Edited by Systemlord

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Its all about trial and error, its that simple. Ok do this lower your FSB volts down from 1.4v to the next lowest setting, run Orthos and if you pass after 12 hours (longer is better) then your good. Then move on to the CPU Vcore and lower to the next lowest setting and if you past after 12 hours then your good. Repeat this with all your setting until you hit a point where you can go no lower.


My Vcore is at 1.54 "current value" and my temps are great idling @28C right now and loads no higher than 50C, Core Temp 61C-61C. It seems like you are afraid to go in your bios and make a change, if so maybe you shouldn't be overclocking at all. We will all learn something by actully doing something, we can talk about this until 2009 and learn nothing. There are talkers and there are those who DO. Its so easy a caveman can do it. :thumbs-up:

I'm not afraid, just interested in what others are doing. I am less concerned about the vCore and more interested in the SPP, MCP, HT, and what changing their voltages does. I have never overclocked machine that needed any changes except to the vCore, Mem, and NB (rarely). I have been hard pressed for anyone to tell me what each of the other voltages do, and if I knew that, I could figure out where I may be able to cut out some power consumption and heat.


I've been tearing open computers since 1993, I'm not afraid of anything. This is my first Intel machine since 2000. Lots has changed.

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Were both at 400x9 @3.6GHz and were both at realtime 1.54 Vcore, so that sounds like our CPU's are twins. If I were to go any lower than 1.54 Vcore I know I will fail Orthos. So if were to keep our OC's than that has to stay where they are. I will go and try to find out what all those setting do cause you have an Nvidia board which makes things a little different. You should have named this post, "Whats a good voltage for Nvidia's SPP, MCP,HT." Because not everyone has an Nvidia motherboard. You have to be more direct with people as I thought you were talking about voltage in general.

Edited by Systemlord

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Here is what I have. I am running with the speeds in my sig. The RAM I have does not overclock for poo-poo. I can't even get it to 888 at 2v! So right now it is at stock speed and voltage, Linked and Synced with my CPU. The rest of my voltages are as follows:


vCore: 1.54375, manually set, 1.5 current value

FSB: 1.4

SPP: 1.5

MCP: 1.5 (this is stock)

HT: 1.5

First, RAM at 2V is nothing. A lot of sticks run 2-2.25V stock. Maybe you're just not giving it enough juice? ;) You can go up to 2.2V without having to worry about anything at all. Beyond that, I'd suggest some sort of active RAM cooling (i.e. a fan :P). Quite frankly, I'd be delighted if my RAM could to 888 at 2V.


MCP is your chipset. I don't know about the 680i chipset, but I can't raise my FSB without raising my chipset voltage. Maybe that's why you're stuck where you are. Who knows, maybe you even have to compensate for the low vMCP with a higher vCore? Have you tried raising it?

Edited by Bleeble

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First, RAM at 2V is nothing. A lot of sticks run 2-2.25V stock. Maybe you're just not giving it enough juice? ;) You can go up to 2.2V without having to worry about anything at all. Beyond that, I'd suggest some sort of active RAM cooling (i.e. a fan :P). Quite frankly, I'd be delighted if my RAM could to 888 at 2V.


MCP is your chipset. I don't know about the 680i chipset, but I can't raise my FSB without raising my chipset voltage. Maybe that's why you're stuck where you are. Who knows, maybe you even have to compensate for the low vMCP with a higher vCore? Have you tried raising it?

Oh, I'm not stuck. I just want to cool it down. I spent the whole morning playing with the voltages according to what NVIDIAs internal docs say and after reading lots of posts all over the Net. I am where I am, and this is the voltage it will take to stay here stably. I think I'll bump it up to a higher speed, not 24/7 stable, just bench stable, for the forum wars.


I don't plan on lowering my oc or getting better cooling at the moment., I simply want to learn what voltage performs what function. I can change the FSBv without changing the chipset, but why are there two? Do you see what I mean?

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i see what you mean i would be wondering that myself if i had a newer system.....there is a lot i will have to learn when the time for me to upgrade comes

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I don't plan on lowering my oc or getting better cooling at the moment., I simply want to learn what voltage performs what function. I can change the FSBv without changing the chipset, but why are there two? Do you see what I mean?

Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. I've noticed that vFSB didn't really have much impact on my OC but vMCH (a.k.a. vMCP) did. So, in terms of what each of those voltages actually controls, I can't be of much help. :unsure:

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Oh, I'm not stuck. I just want to cool it down.


Changing your SPP, MCP and the HT volts aren't going to make a big difference in temps alone, they might allow lower CPU Vcore though. Try upping you MCP voltage (northbridge for us) and lowering you CPU Vcore one notch, It either will work or it won't, if it doesn't then your stuck at the voltages your at now.

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I've noticed that vFSB didn't really have much impact on my OC but vMCH (a.k.a. vMCP) did


Did you leave your FSB volts on auto or whats your set at. My Ram died a week ago and am wondering if having my FSB volts at 1.4v had anything to do with the Ram dieing. My new Ram go's to 1250MHz @5-5-5-15, guess having my Ram go bad was a good thing. I have lowered my FSB volts from 1.4 to 1.3v. Wonder how much lower I can go, because if I can run with the lowest voltage setting on my FSB volts I'd do it.


When I got my new Ram (RMA'ed other Ram) my bios would lock up on me when ever I changed anything Ram related, but after I lowered the FSB volts from 1.4 to 1.3v it stopped locking up on me.

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Did you leave your FSB volts on auto or whats your set at. My Ram died a week ago and am wondering if having my FSB volts at 1.4v had anything to do with the Ram dieing. My new Ram go's to 1250MHz @5-5-5-15, guess having my Ram go bad was a good thing. I have lowered my FSB volts from 1.4 to 1.3v. Wonder how much lower I can go, because if I can run with the lowest voltage setting on my FSB volts I'd do it.


When I got my new Ram (RMA'ed other Ram) my bios would lock up on me when ever I changed anything Ram related, but after I lowered the FSB volts from 1.4 to 1.3v it stopped locking up on me.

Since Gigabyte is so wonderful, I have no idea what my actual vFSB is. :rolleyes: +.2 is all I know.

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