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Creeping Heat

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My copy of SpeedFan has slowly been showing me higher and higher main CPU temps. I certainly haven't made any changes to the rig architecture and I don't think I've changed any of its environment either (it is summer though).


Anyway, temps used to be in the mid 40's and now they're in the low 50's. I checked my fan controller for my case fans, but they're maxed (unchanged). I notched up my CPU cooler up a tad, but I've always kept it right on the verge of being too loud and I don't want to create a problem in my dining room.


Has anybody else experienced this? Is my fix as simple as purchasing a nice can o' air from Radio Shack and blowing the you-know-what out of my computer case??






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Assuming your ambient temperatures haven't been causing the changes, it sounds like dust to me. Pop open the case and see if your heatsinks and fans are blocked.

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