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OC Up, Scores Down

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So, Ive been working on getting my OC going for FW and it seems like I hit a pleatu at 300x9 at stock voltage. When I got to 333x9, my pi time drops but my 3dmarks et cetra drop. Then, when I go to 400x9 at 1.425v it seems to be game over as all my scores drop. What could be causing this?


Settings - 300FSB, 798RAM, 1.3500 volts

333FSB, 833RAM, 1.3500 volts

400FSB, 800RAM, 1.425 volts


Its rather agravating, but I suppose there is some reason this is happening that I am overlooking.

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I'm keeping them as close to 800 as I can...


Now, my high scoring 300x9 798ram wont even preform well, only stock... its really wild, and I have no idea whats going on

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I am not sure exactly how to explain it but it is like the memory setting or performance level (a memory timing) that changes automatically as you OC higher. Its the TRD setting on the Gigabyte P35. At stock speed it will be on 8 and OC it will be on 11 or 12 but you can change that with memset 3.3 beta 2 its called performance level in it. You can change that in memset if you go to low it will lock up the machine. I made a post about here

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So higher yields lower preformance?

Yes and 7 makes my 965DS3 lock up but I can run 7 on the P35, you will have to play with it it makes a little difference in superpi but its very little in 1m

Not higher lower numbers are better performance. I read it wrong or something...

Edited by road-runner

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Do you have a working download for memset3.3? You link on the other page is broken and I cannot seem to find much on google (although my search was short - I thought Id see if you could upload a zip first)

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