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New to OCing Could use some Advice

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I just built my new setup and so far everything seems to run great! I installed an E6600 and a Zalman CPU cooler with the idea of overclocking my CPU to around 3.0. maybe more. Nothing too crazy, but somthing that will increase my systems performance. I am a complete noob to overclocking, so far I have read quite a few articles, how-to guides, FAQs, other people posts & experiences and although I understand the fundamental concept, I still don't quite feel comfortable with my knowledge and would like some advice as to what i should do to OC my cpu around 3.0.


My setup:


OS: Vista 64bit

CPU: E6600

RAM: Muskin 2x 1gb @800


Mobo: ASUS P5N32-E SLI 680i chipset



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The first thing I would recommend you do is read this thread. If you still aren't comfortable maybe you should start OCing an old junker if you have one lying around somewhere so if something goes wrong you won't fry anything expensive or important lol.


The main thing to remember is take it slow. Increase clocks and voltages in small increments at a time.

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Before I posted this I increased my FSB a little and my clock speed went up, as did the ram. Ran prime95 temps stayed low, I would have liked to try orthos but i could not get it working. Although my asus probe was pointing out warnings on random voltages it didn't touch the vcore or memory power.


Increasing the FSB is all I did in my BIOS, my main question now would be what else do I need to do? I am assuming after I jump up a significant amount i should add some Vcore? Should I be worried about voltages other than Vcore and memory?


And how much should I increase them according to the speed I set it at?

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