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About to place order for water cooling, need to finalise list plz...


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Anyone know how easy it is to mount the petra top to the pump, i did come across a movie of how to do it, but i cant access my computer lol, cheers

Hmmm... Do you think that you can handle four different screws? Four, I say! It took me three days to remove those screws and another five to put the new ones in!!!










Not really. :P If you can use a screwdriver, it won't take you more than a minute or two. And here's a link to the video you were talking about.

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Cheers all, well shocking enough my parts turned up at 7am :) Talk about service, was free del as well :) So now i a real happy bunny lol. I got 90% of the case now finshed, will wait for a while to start get the water cool items together, got the shroud on the rad, just got to power up the fans to check which sucks :P so i can mount them the right way round, add the petra top, have a coffee :) And make up some brackets to mount the rad to the case. Should be fun, then i can carry on with the sanding and spraying of the case, found a little error and needs to cut some more metal this morning when testing for mounting the rad, but that take 5 minutes to sort. I think another trip to local diy shop for some more paint thou in need.


With all the parts here i think i got myself a busy weekend booked, even got my father in law picking my kids up early lol, bless him, peace and quiet to get more done, other wise its impossible to get any work done, all i get from them is "Why?", "What's That For ?" lol, ah bless them. Kids are so fun.


Cheers again for your help all, very greatful as always, keep my figures cross all goes well and i may have my case up and running soon. :) Oh i done my lapping now also of the cpu, just hope the thing works now lol, the Block thats come looks real flat, so i think i am lucky there, may not need to do that one.


Anyways no time to waste, got work to do :)


Oh yes i got Pic's of each stage, so i will be starting a thread soon with a listing how its gone, but here a taste of the lapping complete :)

Looks good i think.


Edited by M3NF

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Well you're in a good mood today. :lol: I look forward to seeing your progress, but right now I have one question. Did you use that can of polish on your CPU?


PMSL i am a noob but not that much thou :P Na i thought it be funny to have it nice and clean reflecting the polish thou lol.

Yer i got a strange sence of humor i know.


And yep i am in a good mood, got loads to do, the parts maybe here, but the Rad is going to be the biggest issue of them with fitting, but i got some new idea's on brackets now. Apart from that its the case that going to hold me back, as its taken alot of time sanding all the small corners to make sure paint taking right, maybe i should have got it dipped :) But once that done i hoping it go smooth on the rest, the next time taking issue will be the wiring, there alot of looms to sort out into order and route tidy, specially with all the new LED i got i just got though, so out with the solding iron on that one i think. Maybe it be mid week or end of the week before she's done, dang i missing playing some game lol, this computer just can't cut it, even quake 3 is on low settings and the frame rate sucks.


Anyways other than that it will get there, i rather spend a week doing it right that a rush job.

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