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Thought my overclock was stable or is it?

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Two months ago I put together a new PC and when I got it up and running I ran lots of stress tests including 72 hours of Orthos blend prioriy 7, Memtest for 2 days, Super PI testing and Everest stability testing. Yesterday I wanted to OC my Ram from 800MHz @4-4-4-12 @2.2v to 1200MHz 5-5-5-15 @2.2v and went through one hour of Doom 3, GRAW 1 and three other games for an hour each while running Memtest, I past no errors. Then today just to be 110% sure I ran Memtest while surfing the internet and errors popped up only after 2 seconds, then again no errors for 12 hours after 6000% coverage.



Even at 800MHz @4-4-4-12 @2.2v I'm getting errors only on Memtest, also in bios whenever I select DDR2 1200MHz bios locks up on me, it didn't used to do this @1200MHz. So I rebooted and there was no message saying failed overclock, it just booted to windows. Once I rebooted to bios and changed my Ram back to DDR2 800MHz and still getting errors underclocking my Ram. HUH?! "My PC has been "running problem free" with no strange behavor (other than my bios locking up on me) or any type of crashing." I need help, is Memtest wigging out on me or is there something else going on??? BTW I'm running Memtest right now for four hours no errors while running IE7 and Speed Fan. Maybe resetting my CMOS will help?:unsure::huh:






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I was just thinking about something that may shine some light on my problem. I started thinking that running Memtest from within Windows can causes a false error readings because when Windows moves around memory that could cause a false reading. What do you think about that?

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no... windows applications lock memory to that application... only poorly coded programs try to access non-assigned memory


Any other thoughts to why now I have this problem after two months of crash free, smooth running PC?

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Any other thoughts to why now I have this problem after two months of crash free, smooth running PC?

Only thing I can think of is that one or more of the sticks you're using is going bad. Test them one at a time and see if that changes anything or if it still fails.

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Guest ecthlipsis

:withstupid: :withstupid:


MemTest86+ might shine some light on the problem. Like he said, test each stick individually. You shouldn't get any errors. If you do... well...

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:withstupid: :withstupid:


MemTest86+ might shine some light on the problem. Like he said, test each stick individually. You shouldn't get any errors. If you do... well...


The stange thing is I've been running my computer for more than half a day now and the errors seem to have all but gone, strange huh. In the mean time I need to find a friend that has a CD-RW drive so I can get Memtest86+ up and running. Thing is my friends aren't that bright when it comes to PC's, I should just buy it online. Does anyone know where I can buy Memtest86+?

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The stange thing is I've been running my computer for more than half a day now and the errors seem to have all but gone, strange huh. In the mean time I need to find a friend that has a CD-RW drive so I can get Memtest86+ up and running. Thing is my friends aren't that bright when it comes to PC's, I should just buy it online. Does anyone know where I can buy Memtest86+?

...Go over to your friend's house, commandeer said friend's computer, download Memtest86+, burn(copy) Memtest86+ onto a blank CD-R(Floppy) using the commandeered computer, return to your place of residence, insert disk(Floppy), reboot, run Memtest86+.


It's easier, cheaper and quicker than ordering it online. I don't even think you can order Memtest86+ online... Can't be that hard to get your hands onto a burner or floppy drive.

Edited by iKillSteal

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...Go over to your friend's house, commandeer said friend's computer, download Memtest86+, burn(copy) Memtest86+ onto a blank CD-R(Floppy) using the commandeered computer, return to your place of residence, insert disk(Floppy), reboot, run Memtest86+.


It's easier, cheaper and quicker than ordering it online. I don't even think you can order Memtest86+ online... Can't be that hard to get your hands onto a burner or floppy drive.


I do have Memtest86+ 1.70 iso burn to CDR but don't think its bootable. Earyer I tried to boot from CDR but it just boot to Windows.

Edited by Systemlord

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Only thing I can think of is that one or more of the sticks you're using is going bad. Test them one at a time and see if that changes anything or if it still fails.

:withstupid: That would be my guess. There's whole threads about people's RAM dying after only a few months at XS.


I do have Memtest86+ 1.70 iso burn to CDR but don't think its bootable. Earyer I tried to boot from CDR but it just boot to Windows.

Did you set your BIOS options to boot from CD? :)

Edited by Bleeble

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If you mean "Boot Device Priority" 1st DVD-ROM then yes.

I'm not sure about memtest86+, but most bootable CDs have something like "press any key to boot from CD" when starting up. Otherwise I guess you'll just have to download a new ISO. I'm not sure why the old ISO didn't work; they've been bootable for as long as I can remember.

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