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E6600 core temp?

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I currently have my E6600 oc to 2.7 ghz and my temps have me wondering if i applied my thermal compound evenly. At idle speedfan says CPU:28 core0:24 core1:21 and at full load running 2 prime 95s for 2 hours it peaks at cpu:43 core0:40 core1:37. Is it normal to have such a wide variation in your temps? If my idle temps seem low its because i have the option on where its cuts the multiplyer when the cpu is inactive. my hsf is a tuniq tower so i know i should be able to overclock it good. Also I dont want to overclock my memory because i have all 4 slots occupied, does it effect preformace to set the FSB and the memory to unlinked?

thanks in advance :)

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Mine are pretty similar. Im running at 1.35v and my peak temps are about 39C and around 28 idle. Ive got a tuniq tower as well. Ambient temps are right around 65-70F. Both of my cores have a slight variation in temps as well. Ive actually turned off speedstep and my idle temps have remained the same (which I think your supposed to do for overclocking, but dont quote me on it)


Ive got my FSB and memory unlinked as well. When you set your FSB and memory to unlinked, your missing out on the extra bandwidth your memory can get with overclocking but your not missing out on the extra speed your CPU gets.

Edited by SMeeD

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Guest ecthlipsis

Your temps are fine. Low, actually. 65C is the usual coretemp level that people want to stay under. I prefer 60C myself. Also, why not OC the ram because you have four sticks? I have four sticks, too, and they OC fine.


Lastly, I wouldn't use unlinked unless you had to. Despite what people say it slows things down. It's the same principle as syncing your ram to speed it up. When your divider is set to a fixed ratio it doesn't have to calculate or wait for conversions like it does with unlinked. The difference is minimal, but exists.

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Mine read about 3 to 4c different also on water...

:withstupid: CoreTemp shows as much as a 2C variation at idle and 3C at load for me. I've tried to fix it by loosening and/or tightening different nuts on my waterblock but it hasn't made much of a difference.


Here's an explanation of the temp readings if you want/need it: http://forums.overclockersclub.com/index.p...st&p=705062

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Well I unlinked my mem and fsb for now ang got it to 3 ghz which raised my 3dmark06 score 600 pts :)

turned off the enhanced halt state that turned the multiplyer down to 6 when inactive.

temps still stay low enuff for me to be happy full load cpu:49 core0:47 core1:45 so i think i will stay there for now.

guess ill mess with trying to oc the mem a little so i can link it again.

right now its at 800 Mhz with timings of 4-4-4-12 its 4 gigs of G.skills and would welcome any advice for ocing it.

Edited by BizaroStormy

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Guest ecthlipsis
guess ill mess with trying to oc the mem a little so i can link it again.

right now its at 800 Mhz with timings of 4-4-4-12 its 4 gigs of G.skills and would welcome any advice for ocing it.


I'd set voltage to like 2.3v and just slowly move the frequency up, followed by testing. Not much different than a processor. The higher the speed, though, the looser you will need to set the timings. You can probably get to 460mhz or so before you need to raise the timings to 5-5-5-15. Going to have to try it and see :thumbs-up:


To test, I like to use Orthos blend at priority 8. It seems to stress the memory nicely, and it checks the overall system which I like. MemTest86+ is also a nice program to use to check your ram OC. Good luck.


Edit: are you using 4x1gb of ram? If so, you'll need to go to 5-5-5-15 timings at much lower mhz like I did.

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