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1024 X 2 corsair XMS 800mhz (4-4-4-12 stock)


enermax liberty 620watt



so now the problem. i am currently using the computer as it is in the pictures. when i run stress prime 2004 on one core it will go on for a long time without failing. if i try to run the second core on the second run of SP04 one of three things could happen.

1. the second core fails within seconds of initializing.

2. the second core succeeds in running but at the same time it starts, the first core fails. as if they both cant run together.

3. the less common one. when i try to run them both together i get the BSOD memory dump....restart.


based on all these pictures of settings idd like advice on what to do next. my cooling is sufficient to go to higher clocks.


on a side note: folding restarts after little or no cycles of protein right now. showing that it is stable enough for me to run Firefox and small programs. but nothing multi-cpu and/or intensive

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as kingdingeling says more vcore needed. i'm running 9x400 and need 1.525v to be stable (12hr orthos), every chip & rig is different so i'd keep nudging testing & nudge your vcore up a notchg at a time until you find stability (or your temps are to hot:))



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Yes more vcore and as stated every chip is different. On a side note my main rig E6600 takes 1.51875 setting in the bios for 3.6Ghz. My other E6600 takes 1.55 setting to do 3820Mhz. So just starting raising it a little at a time until it passes or you have to back down the bus speed because of heat. You may want to give the memory more voltage also or at least what its spec for...

Edited by road-runner

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It always amazes me how afraid people are to give C2D's any Vcore. Or any more than they are already giving it.

In most cases you won't have a problem unless temps exceed safe limited which I think is around 60 or 65 C +/-.


Im already At 1.50625V and still chugging along..


Ive heard of maximum everyday vcore being around 1.55V ish as the point, where you could fry the chip if you have those settings everyday. And Ill be testing that...

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Orthos Stable or A week of SMP Stableness? (And yes I am aware this thread and your last post are not 7 days old)


I don't even use Stress test programs anymore, SMP all the way...

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Really, then maybe you can explain to me why I would be stable for X amount of time on prime 95 and orthos but get Blue screens and currupt WU's on SMP...


Maybe cause they are not the Same exact "things."


At any rate, Id rather use the program thats going to be running most often to test for stability..


Not that it matters, now that I am working the clock back up. Slowly, allowing for SMP a few WU's to determine true stability.

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