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Possible Cooling

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You need to realize, the freon used is NOT enough nor are the compressors strong enough to keep a computer cooled.


Think of a fridge. It works well because once things are cold, it doesn't take much to keep them cold. But if you constantly have something hot, you will never have it cold, therefor it's going to be working at 100% and will not shut off. Having successive compressors will gain a little lifespan, but not worth the time and energy, even moreso, you would have no idea where to start for HVAC...not to mention how bad it would be if you would release freon in the air...people do, but yes it is illegal.

Completely Agree.



You guys know the oil cooling? Why cant I put that in a fridge?

Because oil cooling is only a temporary solution. It isn't meant to seriously cool anything. Your video card is going to heat the oil up like crazy and since the entire computer is in there, everything will be heated up by it. The oil will also eventually collect all sorts of nasty stuff like mold making it very, very nasty. Plus it's a PITA to clean up.


If your heat problems really are so severe that you're considering trying stuff like this, there's other things going on. Take what everybody here suggested and abandon this project. Build a WC setup if you need more powerful cooling or go all out and drop $400 for a phase change system. No matter how you slice this project, it's going to cost you some cash to get working.


And as Overclocker16 said, releasing freon into the air would be very bad. Wanna know why? The most common poisoning occurs when people intentionally sniff a type of refrigerant called freon. This is extremely dangerous and can lead to long-term brain damage and sudden death.



I know this man! But... a PC in oil cools itself. A PC in oil in fridge gets cooled and cools itself. If i put the compressor on a 5 minutes on 5 minutes off timer, wouldn't it help??

Nooooo it doesn't. Getting a bunch of hot things together in a medium that absorbs heat isn't going to magically make it cool itself. You wouldn't be able to cool the oil quickly enough to make it a viable solution. Oil is much more viscous than water. It'll take more power to move the same amount of oil in the same amount of time. That means more powerful pumps than fridges have. Wouldn't matter if you put the compressors on a 1 minute timer, the oil would still heat up faster than you could cool it.

Edited by iKillSteal

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Completely Agree.

Because oil cooling is only a temporary solution. It isn't meant to seriously cool anything. Your video card is going to heat the oil up like crazy and since the entire computer is in there, everything will be heated up by it. The oil will also eventually collect all sorts of nasty stuff like mold making it very, very nasty. Plus it's a PITA to clean up.

^^ None of that is fact. Temp: nope | Not serious? I am | Video? I have an X300SE. Some f@h boxes (future setup) will have video cards from '96 | Oil will not create matter from thin air and i do not intend to leave the tank open | Clean up? hang the parts over a bucket for a week.

How do i know these things? I've done it. With modern parts.

If your heat problems really are so severe that you're considering trying stuff like this, there's other things going on. Take what everybody here suggested and abandon this project. Build a WC setup if you need more powerful cooling or go all out and drop $400 for a phase change system. No matter how you slice this project, it's going to cost you some cash to get working.

^ Fridges are free. I have no more money to spend on my computer.


And as Overclocker16 said, releasing freon into the air would be very bad. Wanna know why? The most common poisoning occurs when people intentionally sniff a type of refrigerant called freon. This is extremely dangerous and can lead to long-term brain damage and sudden death.

^ I don't intend on breaking any pipes or doing any sniffing. I'm not that retarded.


An overdose of refrigerant can also occur by swallowing the substance.
(from the site)

^^How is there a proper dose on something with no (direct) medical use

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^^ None of that is fact. Temp: nope | Not serious? I am | Video? I have an X300SE. Some f@h boxes (future setup) will have video cards from '96 | Oil will not create matter from thin air and i do not intend to leave the tank open | Clean up? hang the parts over a bucket for a week.

How do i know these things? I've done it. With modern parts.


^ Fridges are free. I have no more money to spend on my computer.

^ I don't intend on breaking any pipes or doing any sniffing. I'm not that retarded.


(from the site)

^^How is there a proper dose on something with no (direct) medical use

Lets go in order now.

1. Oil won't create anything but it sure as heck will collect things like bacteria and mold spores. Unless you plan on vacuum sealing it in a completely sterile environment, the oil will eventually become infested with things like that and it could potentially become a hazard to your health.

2. I doubt you'll be able to dig up everything you need for free. Proper pipes, tools to cut said pipes, sealant to prevent leaks, etc.

3. You may not intend on breaking or sniffing anything but yanking old parts out of refrigerators is going to damage something. By the time you do inhale the freon(colorless and odorless), it'll be too late and the damage will be dealt.

4. The correct dose is 0. Anything over that would be considered and overdose.


You have been warned. If you go ahead with this, you're doing it of your own free will despite our objections.


I wash my hands of this topic.

Edited by iKillSteal

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actually, I really doubt i'll damage anything as i am willing to take my time and i can spend a few dollars. I can have another guy charge the compressor for me ( a professional ) and i can get some caulk... and i can change the oil if i need to ... but please, clean is not a problem as long as I don't have to change it weekly or anything. But, all risks - cleaning aside: tank of oil in fridge. Fridge on timer.

cooler oil?

compressor will last?

EDIT: and as for the warning: what is the real risk? If stupid people sniff it to get high or whatever, it being in the air from a small leak (which i am guessing would be in some way visible) would not be lethal? This will be done outside anyway so i am not really terribly worried.

Edited by coolcat97

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guys, i am very safe. just today i removed the grills from my room's window box fans to increase airflow. If thats not safe, what is? not to mention, i always cut the top half of a soda can with a razor before drinking it to avoid getting sucked inside :huh:

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Multiple people have already given you a clear explanation as to why this is not a good idea, but you obviously don't want to hear it, so just build it already. You clearly already have your mind made up, so why are you asking about it here?

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guys, i am very safe.


This is amusing.


From my experiences reading your past posts, I'd say you are not very safe at all, let alone good at recommending safe practices.


But I agree with the former post: why ask for opinions if you are going to do it anyway? You think people are going to give their grace on a genuinely bad idea? Not here I'm afraid.


Good luck though - it sounds like you may need it.

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best case scenario as I see it, you find out whether or not your processor puts out more heat than your fridge cools and you find out exactly how long a compressor not designed for 100% duty cycles lasts at 100%. As far as oil cooling. I think this is how it goes. Oil absorbing the same amount of heat as water will rise in emperature less than water, but still rises in temperature. It also has to dissipate more heat than water does for the same drop in temperature. I think this is because oil is thicker than water. Of course, blood is thicker than water too, maybe you could try cooling your computer with blood and let us know how that works. Anyways, I dont see this working, why not just maek a radiator for your water setup and put those fans you have on it if you have your heart set on water cooling.

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With the danger of sounding like a broken record, pretty much everyone who has posted in this topic has said it's not a good idea.


I would tend to agree with that.

Apart from the safety issues of dealing with fridges, I suspect the end result even if you can put it all together wouldn't end up with lower temperatures.

It's not worth the time and effort basically.


Explore some more traditional cooling methods before trying crazy ideas.

Edited by jammin

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I know this man! But... a PC in oil cools itself. A PC in oil in fridge gets cooled and cools itself. If i put the compressor on a 5 minutes on 5 minutes off timer, wouldn't it help??


Oil cannot just cool something without a heatsink. Think of a transformer, you see large metal fins on the outside of them, why? A HEATSINK.


Think of a PC that has no air flow around it with a constant rise in temperature...well guess what, the oil will become the same temperature as whatever is the median temp in the PC.


As I said, 5 minutes on 5 minutes off, that's still too long for a fridge compressor. Listen to your fridge when it kicks in, it might be for as long as 10 to 15 SECONDS.

Would 2 help? Sure as I said before, you will gain a little lifespan on having 2 over 1.


actually, I really doubt i'll damage anything as i am willing to take my time and i can spend a few dollars. I can have another guy charge the compressor for me ( a professional ) and i can get some caulk... and i can change the oil if i need to ... but please, clean is not a problem as long as I don't have to change it weekly or anything. But, all risks - cleaning aside: tank of oil in fridge. Fridge on timer.

cooler oil?

compressor will last?

EDIT: and as for the warning: what is the real risk? If stupid people sniff it to get high or whatever, it being in the air from a small leak (which i am guessing would be in some way visible) would not be lethal? This will be done outside anyway so i am not really terribly worried.


LOL, HVAC is harder than it looks, you probably will damage something. A few dollars? This HVAC guy giving you free freon? You realize the oil will be full of crap the first time you pour it in? All that dust and crap inside the heatsinks, on and around the parts will be floating. If you are serious, get a small pump and a filter.


Tank of oil in fridge, fridge on timer, it will last a little while. The compressors aren't made to run that long so you won't have a long term use, nor will you keep low temperatures. It will warm itself up within a hour or so...and then continue to rise. The compressors can no keep it cold with something constantly keeping it hot.


Cooler oil...for a while.

Compressor will last...for a while.


As for the warning, the REAL risk is death. If you have a small leak, YOU BETTER FIX IT QUICK. Releasing freon into the air is illegal and dangerous.


But as you have said yourself and others have pointed out. It didn't really matter what anyone said, you were going to try anyway. So, we proved to you that it won't work as you think it will, but you are going to try anyways. Have fun with it, but don't come whining when you say it doesn't work.

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