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Possible Cooling

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I was wondering if this would work:

Build a tank the size of the space in a mini fridge, fill that tank with an oil or other fluid, tap into two opposite sides of the fridge and use a cheap pump and water block to cool a processor.

Would the fridge keep up with the processor?

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I was wondering if this would work:

Build a tank the size of the space in a mini fridge, fill that tank with an oil or other fluid, tap into two opposite sides of the fridge and use a cheap pump and water block to cool a processor.

Would the fridge keep up with the processor?


Highly doubtful. Considering after long term use, the water temperature would go up, the compressor is NOT made to run 24/7.

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the compressor is NOT made to run 24/7

Well, I was thinking of going to the dump and ripping a compressor out of an old fridge, fit the cooling pipes (idk) into a drink cooler (just that plastic box for ice) and just screw the compressor to a board... then it could manage?

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Imagine putting a 200W light bulb in a fridge... it's not going to be very cold...


Waterchilling can be achieved with a converted chilled waterfountain, some watercoolers, and maybe a full-size family fridge... you'd need something like a 1/4 HP compressor (at least) that can handle a 100% duty cycle instead of the more usual 50% maximum... you might have to cool the compressor to allow this


(lol, the light bulb, connected to the mains, not just a lightbulb by itself)

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Considering the amount of work you'd need to get that going on top of the maintenance required to keep it going, you'd be better off just buying yourself a good WC kit and calling it a day. Not only are you trying to do something completely unnecessary and complicated, it will also probably disappoint you when you do actually get it going like Overclocker16 said.

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Considering the amount of work you'd need to get that going on top of the maintenance required to keep it going, you'd be better off just buying yourself a good WC kit and calling it a day. Not only are you trying to do something completely unnecessary and complicated, it will also probably disappoint you when you do actually get it going like Overclocker16 said.

Yes, exactly! (I just need a free way to cool my comp. It keeps dieing when work is open and it really pisses me off.) I'm only pushing 1.5 V!!! :( and I have added a super-fan and a fan duct containing a nice fan at the end. (2 fast fans on the CPU)

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modifying a fridges cooling system is not by any means easy... just getting the thing to run without the whole fridge chassis is hard enough... running two compressors is only really possible for HVAC qualified engineers, and it's NOT done to achieve 50:50 duty, it's for two successive cooling stages...


i suggest you google: waterchilling


and learn what is involved, as it's not as simple as getting a fridge and taking the cooling out and connecting it to some waterlines or putting a container in an icebox... it's a LOT more involved, and some of it requires skills that you'd only have from HVAC


you could do what you are asking with a small A/C unit, and create a cold reservoir that the cooling loops are submerged into... a fridge is just a BAD idea

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Yes, exactly! (I just need a free way to cool my comp. It keeps dieing when work is open and it really pisses me off.) I'm only pushing 1.5 V!!! :( and I have added a super-fan and a fan duct containing a nice fan at the end. (2 fast fans on the CPU)

Maybe that's your problem right there. You've got so much stuff going on and so much air moving that it's creating interference and pockets of air that don't do anything. If you're having major heat problems like that, step back your OC a bit for the summer and push it back up during the winter. That's what I'm doing with my 3000+ right now. Hopefully I'll be able to push 2.8 on it during winter. That would make me happy. :D

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You need to realize, the freon used is NOT enough nor are the compressors strong enough to keep a computer cooled.


Think of a fridge. It works well because once things are cold, it doesn't take much to keep them cold. But if you constantly have something hot, you will never have it cold, therefor it's going to be working at 100% and will not shut off. Having successive compressors will gain a little lifespan, but not worth the time and energy, even moreso, you would have no idea where to start for HVAC...not to mention how bad it would be if you would release freon in the air...people do, but yes it is illegal.

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