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hi.. im gona build a new comp in couple of months.. its kind of gaming pc.. so im stil not sure whether to choose intel core 2 duo E6600 2.4 Ghz or E6700 2.66Ghz.. n is it the best choice to choose Gigabyte N650 SLI.. n wht graphic card is best for my comp?????

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For the processor, the E6600 can be clocked to E6700 levels VERY easily and at a low temperature on stock cooling, so forget the E6700 imo ;)


Also, this thread shows some newer processors scheduled for release, so you may wish to hold on before buying ;)

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thnx silverfox... il consider that.. but if i get E6700, i can overclock it more rite????? better than E6600????????


Not necessarily. From memory, both are very similar in terms of overclock in an ideal system. It does also depend on processor stepping, RAM used, the power supply unit, cooler and motherboard of course!


Essentially, the E6700 has a multiplier of 10x (10x266MHz = 2660MHz) while the E6600 has a multiplier of 9x (9x266MHz = 2400MHz).


The ceiling for both chips is similar, though not the same. At those speeds, I'd say it's a negligible difference and without the right components, you'd be unlikely to reach that far anyway. Make sure you get a 4MB cache chip though.

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im planing to put corsair xms2 1GBx2, motherboard Gigabyte P35-DS4(maybe), cooler master 550 Watts n liquid cooling.. so your still recommending E6600????? or should i go for quad core.. i heard the price is goin down again in middle of july.. by 45%?????? is it true????

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im planing to put corsair xms2 1GBx2, motherboard Gigabyte P35-DS4(maybe), cooler master 550 Watts n liquid cooling.. so your still recommending E6600????? or should i go for quad core.. i heard the price is goin down again in middle of july.. by 45%?????? is it true????


Firstly, ease up on the question marks...



Secondly, yes, out of the two, the E6600 is better value in my opinion.


Thirdly, refer to my original post citing the new chip releases next month. The E6600 might not be a great choice depending on the prices on release day - it depends upon whether the E6600 has a price cut or not.


Fourthly and finally, quad core is a waste of time at present. Nothing really uses the capability to full effect. Well, nothing that the average user will be installing.

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The question you should ask yourself about quadcore, is if you are really going to use it?

Depending on what you are doing, you'll probably get more performance out of a dual core chip with a decent overclock.


As for the E6600 or E6700 debate, they should be very similar in overclocking performance.

I think we have some members that own both, so it'd be nice for them to pitch in with their opinion.

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First of all, jammin and Silverfox are absolutely right. You'll probably be much better off with a dual core. Also, at this point you'd be crazy not to wait for the Intel release and price drop on the 22nd of July. That'll change the market quiet a bit, and you should really base your purchase decisions on what happens there.


cooler master 550 Watts n liquid cooling..

What do you mean by this? Do you mean a Cooler Master case with a 550W supply, or a CM supply? I would generally stay away from PSUs that come with cases. They're usually pretty cheap.


As for the water, what are you planning on? Keep in mind that a lot of pre-built water kits are pretty junky. Depending on what you have your eye on, you might be a lot better off with a good air cooler (both in price AND performance).


so any1 hav any idea bout the graphic card ??

This depends on how much you want to spend. Some common price points are:


1950Pro / 7950GT

These cards are simply awesome for price/performance. The only downside is that they don't have DX10 capabilities. But for the money, they're really great.


8800GTS 320MB

This is sort of the conservative high-end card. It's a good deal if you want DX10 and a high end card, but you don't need to be top of the line. It should do very well on all of the up-coming games.



Pretty much top end. They make the 8800Ultra, but that's just a huge waste. This card is pretty much overkill, but not ridiculous. Very future-proof, but also quite expensive.

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X1950Pro / 7950GT

These cards are simply awesome for price/performance. The only downside is that they don't have DX10 capabilities. But for the money, they're really great.


8800GTS 320MB

This is sort of the conservative high-end card. It's a good deal if you want DX10 and a high end card, but you don't need to be top of the line. It should do very well on all of the up-coming games.



Pretty much top end. They make the 8800Ultra, but that's just a huge waste. This card is pretty much overkill, but not ridiculous. Very future-proof, but also quite expensive.


Get that 7950GT outta there :P The X1950Pro is priced at about 50$ less, it performs on par with the 7950GT in some games/benchmarks, and most of them come with an Accelero X2 (meaning, a sweet cooling and quiet cooler) already on there! I'd recommend that for the budget alternative, otherwise I agree with Jammin, except that the 2900XT may be an alternative to the 8800GTS.

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Get that 7950GT outta there :P The X1950Pro is priced at about 50$ less, it performs on par with the 7950GT in some games/benchmarks, and most of them come with an Accelero X2 (meaning, a sweet cooling and quiet cooler) already on there! I'd recommend that for the budget alternative, otherwise I agree with Jammin, except that the 2900XT may be an alternative to the 8800GTS.

Get that 2900XT outta there! :lol: $100 more and twice the power usage for the same performance?


The BFG 7950 is actually very reasonably priced with it's current rebates, so I figure it should be at least mentioned. I agree though, I would definitely go for the 1950Pro myself. :)

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