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Oc'ing Amd64 3000+ Need Help Pls

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Hey everyone,


After doing abit of research i decided to oc my amd64 3000+


Its stock speed is 1.8 ghz and I am unable to get anything higher than 1.93 ghz ====> so my multiplier is set to X9 and my cpu frequincy is 214. Anything above 214 and I cant get windows started. Comp restarts before loading screen.


I am totaly new in OC'ing and i really need the your help.



(I ve also uloaded my stats that i took with CPU-Z.)


Your help will be greatly apreciated.

Thank You. :)

Edited by some1uknow

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Guest ecthlipsis

Did you try giving the processor more voltage? Read the stickies in this forum if you haven't yet, too. They will be of great help. Also, why are you running in single channel if you have two sticks of memory? Run it in dual if you can =D


It looks like it is SD ram, too, so after you get the dual channel going try using 1T timing.

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And yes i have given the processor more voltage . Up to 1550v. That didnt help.

I also increased the voltage for the ram by 0.1 and 0.2 and that didnt help neither.

Can someone please tell me how to unable dual channel for my ram.


Other tips will be very usefull.


Thank You.

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Dual Channel will automatically be enabled. Can you list the specs of the whole of your system, so we can help you out better? What kind of cooling do you have on the processor? That board you have (Gigabyte K8NF-9) is a decent OCer from what I've read on german forums...


Also, can you mabye photograph your BIOS, like the overclocking options in there?

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Ok sure.

I can photograph the bio options in just a sec.


My specs are.


Processor : Amd64 3000+ (original heatsink and fan)

Mobo: GA-K8NF-9

Ram : 2 X 512 DDR ( pc3200 ram)

Graphics : Nvidia Geforce 6200 TC

Os : Xp Pro sp2 .


I have also uploaded some images i took with CPU-z in my first post.

I am totally new at Oc so it is possile that i am doing something completely wrong. So please share your ideas.


Thank You.



Here they are. The very first one (black screen) it says MEMORY INFO : Single Chanel 64 bit . I need to change that but i dont know how to. The 2nd one is just an overall picrure of my bios screen. From there i go to MB Intelligen Tweaker. And thats where all the options are.


Thank You.



Edited by some1uknow

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You should definitely be able to get more out of it than that. My 3000 ran at 1.4v stock(all the way up to 2.4GHz stock v before I had to up the voltage) and I see that yours is at 1.45. I'm not sure if that's the stock voltage for the 939 version but it seems a little high to me. If you can, try and drop it down to 1.4 and OC from there. That 3000 of yours should be able to break 2GHz(2.2 even) without breaking a sweat. Also post your temps(idle and load) so we can see what's going on there.

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By going into the computer's health option in Bios it says its 39 degrees at 1.45 ( which i modified ). When it was at

1.40 (stock) it stayed at around 30- 35 degrees. (Celcius)


I uploaded images of my bios options above. Can some one please tell me how to fix that single channel into a dual.



Thank You.

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if the ram is in slots 1&3, change it to slots 1&2, or vice versa, or 2&4 to 3&4, or vice versa


you need to physically move the ram sticks to a dual channel configuration


values i would try:


HT Freq: 4x

CPU Freq: 200 - 250

K8 CCR: x9

DDR C/T M: Manual

CPU/DDR: 2 / 1.66 (6:5, 166MHz)


DDR T: Manual

Tcl: 3

Tras: 8

Trcd: 4

Trp: 4

Trrd: 2

Trc: 7

Trfc: 14

Trwt: 3

Twr: 3

Twtr: 1

Tref: 166 / 7.8

Preamble: 6.5ns

AL: 8ns

CPU SS: Disable

PCIE: 100MHz

RGB: Disable

CPU V: 1.500V

Chipset: 1.6v

HT: 1.3v

DDR: 2.75v or 2.8v

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Hey thanks for the reply. I afterall found the problem. The Ht freq brought my whole oc down. I changed it to X1 . Becuase it only works at X1 and i now succesfully oc my pc to 2.4 ghz. The problem is , even before the OC my computer experienced several crashes and restars due to ram issues. I have read other posts and they say it is because the computer can not use 2 peices of ram succesfully in single channel and has to be switched to dual.



My 2 ram pieces are located in the first two slots . ( purple ) The other two slots are orange and they are free.

On the front cover of the mobo box it says that it is a DUAL CHANNEL DDR400 motherboard so i know it can be done.

I have read other topics where you can unable to DUAL channel by pressing F8 after going into bios. In my case F8 only leads me into the Q-Flash section.



Please Help.


Thank You.

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reading the manual should help...


purple + orange = dual channel...


i tried to explain that in my previous post


the lowest you should need to bring your HT Freq down to is 3x... anything lower is pointless, and if it's unstable 3x and higher, then you've set something wrong...






not sure what else to say apart from


MOVE RAM from slot 2 to slot 3

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