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Help Oc 6700 P5b Deluxe

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First time at this, but cant boot into windows with fsb over 325, and will not post at around 335 to 340. Not stable at 325 fsb, will only run orthos for maybe 1 min. Not an overheating problem, under load max temp 45C. Stable at fsb 300 orthos for 10hrs


E6600 P5b deluxe, Crutial Balistic pc2-6400, aftermarket cooler

Running Vista 32bit, is this my problem?


I have raised the CPU voltage to 1.4V and Ram voltage to 2.15V and changed the ram timings in the bios. Ram is rated for 2.2V but not option in bios. I have disabled the stuff the other forums say to disable in the bios, but may be missing something. would like to get up to 3.4 or 3.5 Ghtz


Also Saphire 1950x pro

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Guest ecthlipsis

When you OC your FSB, you also OC your ram at the same time. The level of OC to the ram depends on your divider ration. What is yours currently set to? Make sure you read our sticky thread of OC basics and get the necessary software (like CPU-Z) to monitor things. You haven't given us much information to go on.


You should be able to get well above 325 FSB, though, so something is certainly going right. Let us know what your ram is currently clocked at, and what the divider is set to. It might very well be that you are OCing the ram too much for 2.1v, as that is less than stock voltage.

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still no post at fsb 340. I have moved my ram frmo slots a1 b1 to slots a2 b2 and had no luck, then tried booting (at fsb340) with stick 1 in slot a1 and then in b1 with no luck. last tried to boot(at fsb 340) with stick 2 in slot a1 and then in b1 and no luck. ram voltage at 2.25, cpu at 1.4 NB at 1.55(i think). have every enable disable option that is under the jumper free settings turned to off. also tried to run orthos at fsb 320 with no luck.


ram is set to 1:1 i think. at fsb 266 ram is at 533

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