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Armor Lcs: What Should I Keep?

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A few weeks back I did a favor for a friend installing some electronics for his client. He gave me a brand new Armor LCS tower as payment. I thought I was well on my way to WC'ing...until I decided to do some research. I've been searching this forum all day-about twelve hours actually-and found that the cooling part of my tower isn't all that great.


I don't intend to overclock anything just yet (I'm a pleeb in WC'ing, OC'ing, even this forum), but I want the capability and the assurance of a quiet and cool system. I'm building a computer for fall semester of college, going into graphic design/3D animation. Although the setup isn't concrete, I'll have a quad-core CPU, a 8800GTX or Ultra, and 4 GB of DDR2 1066 RAM. Eventually I plan to add a Quadro, but later when I need the rendering power.


At first I wanted to get everything into the water cooling cycle; CPU, GPU, North/South Bridge, RAM, the works. Now I understand that if I attempt to cool that many components the first thing I need to replace is the pump that comes with the tower. Should I junk the resevoir, radiator and fans as well? I'm willing to spend $400 if it will get a cooling system I can rely on, but there's no sense in throwing away perfectly good equipment.

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You could keep the Tt water stuff to cool your NB/SB/RAM and then have something more substantial for the CPU/GPU


Should I add an extra radiator and a powerful pump, or have two completely seperate cooling circuits? :blink:


Get the GTX or GTS, the Ultra is not worth the money. You can get a factory overclocked card at higher speeds for cheaper than the Ultra.


Noted...thanks. :)

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