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Too much heat? Hmm...

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I have burned in my new settings. According to Coretemp and Intel TAT I am running at about 64C at full load with FAH. I have heard that 65 or lower is ok, and the Tjunction is 85C.

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I have burned in my new settings. According to Coretemp and Intel TAT I am running at about 64C at full load with FAH. I have heard that 65 or lower is ok, and the Tjunction is 85C.


I been OC'ing my E6600 to 3.6GHz with temp's of 61c Orthos full load with my set-up. You have a much better PC case than I do, mines the Asus Vento 3600. Your Zalman 9500 seems to be almost as good as the Tuniq Tower 120. Have you lapped your E6600, because all of them out of the box are concaved. Go ahead and have a look. Say good by to the warrenty, but hoo cares cuz they only cost $220.00 and as long as you use good judgement you'll be alright.



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I may re-thermal. I need a better screwdriver because when I set the 9500 down on the CPU it moves a little to much and the paste may not be on the die as well as it should be.

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Your temps aren't bad for air cooling. With that Vcore your idle is the same as mine and load is only 6C higher. If your Vcore was lower, you'd actually be pretty close to my WC setup. :thumbs-up:


EDIT: As long as you keep your E6600 out of the 70s (via CoreTemp or TAT), you'll be safe. Below 65C is even better. C2D Temp Guide.

Edited by Bleeble

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Your temps aren't bad for air cooling. With that Vcore your idle is the same as mine and load is only 6C higher. If your Vcore was lower, you'd actually be pretty close to my WC setup. :thumbs-up:


EDIT: As long as you keep your E6600 out of the 70s (via CoreTemp or TAT), you'll be safe. Below 65C is even better. C2D Temp Guide.


Thanks for the info. I would like to keep it under 65C, or 60C even. But as long as it is not dangerous, I'm not concerned. I will be re-applying some AS5 or Ceramique.

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I was looking at this thread, started by Systemlord, and it made me think about my voltages and thermal paste application. I would love to have a lapped CPU, but there is no way I'm not going to do it - I have messed up lapping a few times. I think that it makes good contact, though. My 9500 is mirror finished. I was using AS5 and it has had plenty of time to settle. I decided to clean the HSF and the CPU with the AS cleaning fluids and use my new tube of Ceramique. The temps went down pretty fast, even if it was only two degrees. I think that the AS5 didn't work as well as it could because it was the end of the tube. The Arctic Silver website says that particles can separate and move to the end of the tube; I haven't been able to store it tip-down the whole time I have had it. I also looked at my thermostat and it is hotter in here than I thought. I can't really do much about that except turn up the air conditioner and spend more on electricity that I want to. It is still only about 24C in the house, though.


Back to my original thoughts...


What do you guys think of my voltages? Are they in line with what you have seen from others? I got to 3.2 on stock volts and kind of "winged it" between FSB voltage and vcore to get it stable at 3.6. I had to up the HT a little bit too, but I have seen most people max that out - I didn't need to go that far..


My voltage settings are listed in a post above, let me know what you all think.

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I was looking at this thread, started by Systemlord, and it made me think about my voltages and thermal paste application. I would love to have a lapped CPU, but there is no way I'm not going to do it - I have messed up lapping a few times. I think that it makes good contact, though. My 9500 is mirror finished. I was using AS5 and it has had plenty of time to settle. I decided to clean the HSF and the CPU with the AS cleaning fluids and use my new tube of Ceramique. The temps went down pretty fast, even if it was only two degrees. I think that the AS5 didn't work as well as it could because it was the end of the tube. The Arctic Silver website says that particles can separate and move to the end of the tube; I haven't been able to store it tip-down the whole time I have had it. I also looked at my thermostat and it is hotter in here than I thought. I can't really do much about that except turn up the air conditioner and spend more on electricity that I want to. It is still only about 24C in the house, though.

A lapped HS and unlapped CPU might actually make your temps worse. If your CPU's IHS is really concave, there might not even be contact in the center where the actual chip is. When you take your HS off, the areas with the least thermal paste generally have the greatest pressure. In fact, that's why a lot of people are actually making their waterblocks convex intentionally: So there's more pressure in the center of the IHS. Theoretically, a lapped CPU and convex or lapped HS should have the best performance. And you might be right about the AS5 not performing as well because it's from the end of the tube. Regardless, ASC is only a degree or two warmer, without the lengthy burn-in period.


What do you guys think of my voltages? Are they in line with what you have seen from others? I got to 3.2 on stock volts and kind of "winged it" between FSB voltage and vcore to get it stable at 3.6. I had to up the HT a little bit too, but I have seen most people max that out - I didn't need to go that far..


My voltage settings are listed in a post above, let me know what you all think.

My Vcore is 1.44V, VMCH 1.5V (chipset), VFSB +0.3 (don't know the actual value). I think HT and FSB voltages refer to the same thing in this case, but I'm not sure about SPP. Keep in mind that I have the 965P chipset and you have 680i, so they're not directly comparable. Maybe someone else with that mobo can chime in. Many of the E6600s I've seen can hit 3.6GHz with 1.40-1.45 Vcore. That said, I don't know what kind of stability testing they are doing. My CPU was Orthos stable at 3.6 GHz with only 1.35V, but Memtest, TAT, and any games crashed immediately! So take what you see with a grain of salt.

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