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not a newbie but new to DFI OCing...

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Ok first of let me say I am new to OverclockersClub. :D I am however not new to OCing. I have been overclocking now for several years started out with the old AMD 2400 mobile CPU and Abit NF7-2.0.


I have had several AMD 64 set-ups with this being the newest one and I am stumped. and looking for some tips now and not asking or want to be told to read all the stickies on OCing rules. I have all those printed out and followed each one step by step but now just up in the air on what to try next.


Ok let me start out stating I have been able to completely boot into windows with 3150 mhz and my ram on 133 divider at stock voltages and leaving memory settings on auto. how ever when I try to run OCCT I lock up withing the first 8 minutes so I started increasing my voltage until it was able to run the full 30 minutes. I then went and ran Prime95 on both cores setting it up so each core is using 700mb of memory. If I start each core out at the same time one core (not either one specifically) errors out with-in 10 minutes. I assumed it was the memory not being set to the correct timmings so I went in and set them to 3-4-4-8 which is what the default is for my ddr500 patriot memory. Still either core errors out with-in 10 minutes. However if I start the cores in prime95 about 5 minutes apart each one runs for a little over an hour before alarming out.


My temps are fine so I know the temps are not an issue as I am at idle 28c and full load 44-48 per core.

I have a top of the line PSU and I know the rails are stable as well.


I also know my HTT is x 3 so not to go over 1000


I am currently at 301 x 9 =2711mhz @1.344v

memory is running at 246.5 mhz (just under the rated DDR500)

with timings 3-4-4-8 2T 2.8v (not sure why this memory won't run at 1t might with correct timings)


Can't recall the stepping but I know in every forum nobody has mentioned this stepping code yet I would recognize it if I saw it again. I know it is from 07 but the week part I don't remember and I want to say the beginning LCBQE but can't remember the letters after the week as well as the week I know it was after week 4 though for sure might of even been around the 11th week.



I know since I am able to boot into windows at 3150 mhz I should find a happy medium between 2700-2900mhz but am lost in what to try next.


Any tips or ideas will be greatly appreciated....

Thanks in advance...


Just so everyone knows I did try and find the max 1st for the CPU. Once I got it to run the OCCT for 30minutes is when I started lowering my CPU and raising my Memory from DDR400 back up to DDR500... Which I have had this memory before at DDR580 stable before. Which I know that was on a different motherboard with a different CPU as well... I also understand that each component that is different can play a role in the next setups OC....

Edited by brad72

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thats really the difference between a suicide shot and maximum stable clocks! I was able to boot into Windows with my 3700+ @ 3239MHz, but maximum stability was around 3000MHz. And that was a pretty good stepping too!


Anyways, how much volts are you giving the CPU for 3150? and how much are you putting into the chipset?

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May I suggest you Move onto to Better Stress test programs. (Maybe not better, but certainly newer and maybe even better looking? Lol)

Like Orthos Beta or StressCPU2. In my experience those two programs always seemed more intense than either OCCT or prime 95, temps were also higher with either orthos or stressCPU2 when compared to tests on Prime 95 or OCCT.


Just a thought..

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thats really the difference between a suicide shot and maximum stable clocks! I was able to boot into Windows with my 3700+ @ 3239MHz, but maximum stability was around 3000MHz. And that was a pretty good stepping too!


Anyways, how much volts are you giving the CPU for 3150? and how much are you putting into the chipset?


I was able to boot into windows with 3150 with stock 1.35v up to but not beyond 1.5v nothing was stable but like I said I had the memory set to auto during this time then loosened the timings up shortly after each boot.

Chipset voltage was stock which without looking I am almost sure is 1.5v (I never have adjusted the chipset voltage even from the early days with the Amd 2400+ mobile CPU and NF7.


May I suggest you Move onto to Better Stress test programs. (Maybe not better, but certainly newer and maybe even better looking? Lol)

Like Orthos Beta or StressCPU2. In my experience those two programs always seemed more intense than either OCCT or prime 95, temps were also higher with either orthos or stressCPU2 when compared to tests on Prime 95 or OCCT.


Just a thought..


Thought worth looking into. I just know that the newer OCCT is setup to test both cores at once to where the older was not. I assume the 2 you mention are set up to test both or are there special things you need to do like with the prime95?

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if you can take four photos (two of the genie bios, top/bottom, and two of the dram config page top/bottom) then we can see what's up...


the 2T thing really flags up that something isn't set right...


I don't know why you are under the impression that you can easily achieve a 1100 MHz overclock (61%) on the lowest speed dual core A64 without increasing the CPU voltage. That is golden chip, holy grail territory right there... normal CPUs need at least a *little* more juice.


I need 1.632v to stay stable at 2.8 GHz

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Here are three pics I was able to fit all the Genie Bios main page onto one pic and then split the Dram config page.






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Chip Voltage Control: 1.6v

CPU voltage Control: 1.450v (try this first, then increase a step at a time)


Trrd: 2

Trc: 7

Trfc: 14

Trwt: 3

Twr: 3

Twtr: 2

Tref: 4708

Twcl: 1

1T/2T: 1T

Preamble: 6.5ns

Async: 8.0ns

Dynamic: Enable

DRAM o.d: Level 3

DDR DQ: 50% reduction (experiment with this)


do you definitely have the RAM in the best two slots? for example, a lot of the time 1 and 3 works better than 2 and 4, or vice versa, and sometimes one pair works better for a particular bios firmware release

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Ok I set those setting up but in the TRC there is no 7 just starts at 8 and goes up so I left on auto.

As well Dymanic there is no enable just 0 4 8 16 32....(keeps doubling)


Also would not boot at 1t only on 2t?????


Memory is in slots 1a 2b (next to each other and closest to CPU)


I know in previous boards the usually went 1&3 or 2&4 for dual channel but it states that 1&3 is for single channel...


might try 3&4 as this is also dual channel and puts memory farther from CPU...



I am using bios version CK8LD410

Edited by brad72

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yeah, just the other dual channel option...


hopefully the 3&4 dimms mean you can get 1T...


the bios is quite different to mine, so the values will put you in a rough position to start trying out different settings... use Memtest86+ for quick testing without needing to enter windows... test 5 is like a medium test and test 8 is a medium-hard test



c, 1, 3, 5, enter, 0 (makes it switch to test #5 looping)

c, 1, 3, 8, enter, 0 (ditto, but 8)

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Ok I have the memory in slots 3&4 but still no go on the 1T :blink:


Which bios are you using although I notice you have a different model board...


Any note on which bios I might or should try?

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Ok just to let you know I have started completely over and dropped the CPU back down to 1800mhz and memory running DDR400...


settings are as follows


cpu is 200x9

Htt is 5

cpu vcore 1.300

chipset 1.5

ddr voltage 2.8v


DDR settings



2.5-3-3-7 2t (tried 1t but still a no go)

(DDR400 settings)


This memory is rated at DDR500 2.8v 3-4-4-8 1t but is also stated to run at DDR400 at 2.7-2.8v 2.5-3-3-7



Been dual core priming now for over 3.5 hours and no crashes or errors unlike earlier.

Not sure if these things are a benefit to know or not but at least is a lot more stable and maybe now with a bit more help can start over trying to OC. Have not seen temps above 42c for either core at this time so I know my cooling is good enough for the time being...


In all honesty my memory might be hindering my OC but I have been with Patriot memory since the day I started OC started out with the DDR400-DDR533 2x512 w/XBLK technology (had this memory before everyone found out just how good they were at the time). I had heard good things about the DDR500 Extreme Memory 2x1gig so I thought I would go with that for my last two builds...


So I am open to possibly purchasing new memory but it might not be for several more weeks. I would like to stay with 2x1gig as 4x512 I know hinders an OC as well...


I would like to try and do better with this OC situation before totally ruling out my memory and wasting money on memory that might not be better...


Any suggestions on memory to maybe keep an eye out for just incase the memory is the problem?

Edited by brad72

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This memory is rated at DDR500 2.8v 3-4-4-8 2t

if it's rated for 2T then that's why you can't run it at the tighter 1T


my advice is, stop messing around with low vcore, put the memory on a divider, and force the cpu to go faster... you're not going to get very far with 1.3v vcore... personally I'd try 1.5v at least, soon moving up around 1.55v then 1.6v and beyond if the cooling allows

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