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Please help with liquid

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Ok so I've been hit with a massive heat wave and don't have a working A/C at the moment and decided that it was finally time to go out and buy a new cooling system for the rig. My temps are incredibly high (actually there quite scary). My E6400 at 2.4ghz is idle at 50c and my 8800GTX stock is idle at 65c!!! Both have stock coolers and are sitting in a Xion2-sl case with all stock case fans (will probably be replaced with silenX 92cfm fans). I was originally looking at the Coolit Eliminator for my CPu and was planing to keep stock on my GPU amd hope that with a lower room temp once my A/C is fixed (fight now im at about 32c ambient) and a cooler CPU and better case cooling, my GPu will be taken down as well. Will my assumption hold true or should I go for something liquid on my GTX as well? Also if I do chose this option, should my side fan be used as an intake or exhaust (the Eliminator uses the rear exhaust port to cool the heat exchanger so I'm not sure how well it will ehaust the air).


My other choice would be to get a full liquid system. I was looking at the Koolance Exos-2 system and just a CPU block for now (Koolance CPU-330) because I can't afford a GPU block as well (not yet at least). With this setup I could get proper case fans and have the option of adding in more blocks later, but will this cool my CPU as well as the Eliminator? Also, how often would I have to replace the coolant in the Exos-2 system?


I guess the last big question I have is what would you do in my case assuming you had enough saved up for either method? Any feedback and help is greatly appreciated.


Thanks, Kevin

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Air cooling will only bring your temps down to whatever your ambient is(assuming you've got amazing air cooling) so if it's 32c in your place, the lowest you'll see is 32c. Those idle temps for your 8800GTX look normal with stock cooling. Water cooling will also bring your temps down to as low as ambient because the radiator has to cool the water with the air in your room. If I were you, I'd invest in a good air cooler for both your CPU and GPU unless less you want to go the extra mile and get water cooling. Overall water cooling should give you better temps, if you get a good kit, but it is more much expensive.

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i agree with RR there. you do NOT wnat to mess around with so-so parts. you want to build it and not have to mess with any part of it until you have to change out your system parts for upgrades. it should work right from the beginning and have no problems. i went with cheaper parts at first. and the pump rapped out on me. bearings were shot in 2 weeks. my fault for adapting an aquarium pump. so i upgraded to good parts and those parts are in RR's first selection there. that price is a good price for some VERY durable parts. the pump is great. i have it and its totally quiet if you mount it right. the water block i also have and its amazing in its efficiency. my load temps are only +8c over my idle temps. and it cost me about $200 to piece together my system and thats without a GPU block or brackets for the radiator mounts off the back that they offer for $59 more....i could piece together a system from various sellers but i wouldn't beat their price by very much..

Edited by robAP

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Anybody know how good the CoolIT Eliminator is? I mean it's maintenace free which is good cause I'm still reletively new to the world of custom computers (another reason why the task of assembling my own WC system is a little scary). also for the CoolIt cooler, will the fan for the heat exchanger still work as a proper exhaust?




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Even using high fan speed? I've read that for mild overclocking high fan speed is great but generates noise. I'm using an aviation headset with ANR whenever i'm on my computer so noise dosent bother me...



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Its not all that good if you are overclocking at all. It can handle the stock heat output but no more.

Hey man...i push alot on stock... keep in mind that (and i have an opteron) my cpu runs stock in the 30s but when i OC it it gets in the 50s but it wont be in danger until the 70s...people thing 40 is hot... (i did replace the fan)

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Hey man...i push alot on stock... keep in mind that (and i have an opteron) my cpu runs stock in the 30s but when i OC it it gets in the 50s but it wont be in danger until the 70s...people thing 40 is hot... (i did replace the fan)

You have the Eliminator?

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please explain this one, (and i understand you like Stinsons and thats totally cool.)



why are you using an ANR aviation headset while on your computer ?

Edited by robAP

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