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Some FSB Help Please

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Guest ecthlipsis
Hey ecthlipsis,


Here is why the memory is low for now....I may consider the Unlinked option mentioned once again in CPU Magazine.

Motherboards based on Nvidia’s nForce 680i SLI chipset offer an Unlinked mode that gives users the ability to manually dial in the memory clock speed completely independent of the FSB. We’ve found this setting is somewhat less stable than Linked mode, which uses the traditional ratio/divider settings, but many users have had success. In Unlinked mode, a user can simply navigate to the FSB & Memory Config submenu, select the Unlinked Memory FSB – Memory Clock Mode option and then, using the MEM (DDR), MHz option, simply enter the desired memory speed. Even if you use this method, we still recommend finding the processor’s maximum stable FSB to achieve peak performance.


I have actually known about that, as my 650i also supports it, I just never gave it much thought as I have read it isn't near as reliable as having them linked to a ratio. In your case, though, it is absolutely worth trying out. In regards to the voltage, I forgot you're on quadcore. Just make sure you're not pushing it too hard, as I don't have any clue how much those can take. Perhaps the quads just do need a lot more juice for the same OC... I suppose that would make a lot of sense in a way, provided they can handle it. Good luck to you.


Oh, didn't you say your memory was DDR2 1066 though? Perhaps I got my posts mixed up. 866mhz for DDR2 800 isn't bad, as you could also lower the latencies on the ram to make up for the loss in MHZ. I was under the impression you were on DDR2 1066 when I said that, so sorry for the confusion.


*Edit* You did say you had 1066... "Twin Corsair Dominator 8500CFD rated at 1066MHz @ 2.2v." Is it 800 or 1066? Either way, the Dominators are the ones that come with fans, right? Those sticks should support a serious OC =D

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I have actually known about that, as my 650i also supports it, I just never gave it much thought as I have read it isn't near as reliable as having them linked to a ratio.

I think your on the money here ecthlipsis. I attempted the UNLINKED mode and could not get stable.


In regards to the voltage, I forgot you're on quadcore. Just make sure you're not pushing it too hard, as I don't have any clue how much those can take.

Took your advise on this one. At 12x, there wasn't a steady voltage I could come up with. I thought it was stable at 1.39 but Vista would throw an error occasionally. I lowered the Multiplier back to 11X, one over the stock value of 10x and all seems much better. Talk about voltage extremes, at 11x the QX6700 seems very happy at 1.34v - No happiness at 12X.

So with that steady I just upped the FSB. My FSB is running at 295 quad at 1180MHz. The memory is running at 920MHz, so that is my next chore...I may not even attend to it for now. I getting 13K's with this speed on 2DMark06 and I'm happy for NOW. I may make a call to Corsair to understand why that memory won't jump above 1066MHz, again, I may be the problem...I'll keep you posted and thanks again for all the help.

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Guest ecthlipsis

No problem with the help. That's what we're here for. As you learned, increasing the multiplier can really be hard on stability. Of course, each 1x you raise it does raise the processor at least 266mhz, lol. Definitely sounds like you're at a better balance now, though, so grats on that. Your memory really should be able to overclock so definitely try to figure out what's holding it back. 1.34v is also very, very safe which is always a plus =D


295FSB is ok, but I'd like to see you get higher... I'm at 337.5mhz on my E6600, and I don't know why a quad core couldn't manage that. Although, perhaps with 10x multiplier you could. Keep us posted =D

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295FSB is ok, but I'd like to see you get higher... I'm at 337.5mhz on my E6600, and I don't know why a quad core couldn't manage that. Although, perhaps with 10x multiplier you could. Keep us posted =D


I absolutely plan to increase the FSB. I just want to see whats up with the memory first, decide on where to go with that then crank the FSB. Call to Corsair this week should bring that to a head...again many thanks. :D

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i dont know if you already know this but on my 680i motherboards the dividers is based on the QFSB. is


for DDR800




FSB 300MHz, QFSB 1200MHz, MEM 1200MHz

.........................1 ........ : ......... 1




FSB 300MHz, QFSB 1200MHz, MEM 960MHz

................................ 5 ..... : .......... 4



FSB 300MHz, QFSB 1200, MEM 800MHz

............................3 .... : ... 2


So for 3:2 FSB 300 MEM 400 (DDR)

................. 3 ...:..... 4



(sorry about the formating spaces and tabs dont work for me :( )

That 3:4 shows up in cpuz



The other thing i found with my board was that when you had voltages on "AUTO" for stock my motherboard would change the voltages as required when the cpu was under stress. So would first to orthos run for 1min then error FSB 1.2V, then i tried again and it went for 10min FSB 1.3v, and then again and it never failed 60min FSB 1.4V


Once i set them in bios i havnt had a prob since im currently running and test

FSB 345MHz, CPU 3105Mhz MEM 920Mhz CPU core 1.3375v , FSB 1.3v and is been going for 30min @ 47C


me == happy :D


will try keep going untill i hit about 55C



hoped this helped

Edited by App0lly0n

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Hey App0lly0n,


Thanks for the info!! Nice to see another 680i :D . I am on the same path your on with my Striker Extreme board. I am running 5:4 with my FSB now sitting at 295. My original intention was to get the FSB to 285 with the CPU Multiplier at 12x from it's stock 10x then run the board 1:1 linked with memory. That all became a wash since I could not get the QX6700 stable at 12x no matter what voltage I set it to, so I had to settle with a higher FSB with the CPU at 11x and Memory at 5:4 running about 920MHz. Still, with the Dominator memory I should be able to go to 1066MHz which is what its rated at but with the 5:4 ratio, unlikely. So, I think I will be digging in the 300's on the FSB with the Memory at 5:4. One note here, I DID try the UNLINKED mode for memory and had nothing but issues. I set the Memory at 1066MHz at 1.2v fixed UNLINKED and had to reset the CMOS. For some reason, my Dominator Memory does not like anything above 1.1v at present even though its rated at 1.2v @ 1066MHz...Go figure. I have to tinker with that, but I hesitate because when the Memory isn't happy I have to do a manual reset from the MOBO which is a pain since my PC sits in a air cooled cabinet. I will keep all posted B:)

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Guest ecthlipsis
I set the Memory at 1066MHz at 1.2v fixed UNLINKED and had to reset the CMOS. For some reason, my Dominator Memory does not like anything above 1.1v at present even though its rated at 1.2v @ 1066MHz...Go figure.


You mean 2.1v, right?

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Guest ecthlipsis

Quality bin ram can take well above 2.2v, so don't hesitate to give it some extra juice if it needs it. I only have mine at 2.26v atm, but I won't hesitate to raise it to 2.34+ if it's needed.

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Quality bin ram can take well above 2.2v, so don't hesitate to give it some extra juice if it needs it. I only have mine at 2.26v atm, but I won't hesitate to raise it to 2.34+ if it's needed.


My problem is when the memory is raised above 2.1 I get no boot. Right now, running 5:4 at 920MHz its slightly above 2.0v. Even at 1066MHz, it did not like 2.2v, tried 2.3 and still the same "no boot". 2.1v fine. Go figure.

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I think something is wrong with your ram if you cant pump voltage over 2.1vdimm. If anything can you force your ram to 800mhz just to separate 1 factor that may affect your system from overclocking. I think work with the cpu first and then the ram. Thats how I did it to get my 680i evga to work stable @ 3.4ghz since I have a poor overclocking e6600.


I'm in love with my Evga 680i board and my Asus P5WDH-Deluxe :lol:

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