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MY NEW PC HELP WITH Liquid Cooling System

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Hey all i need some help I'm just about to go out and get a new pc but i have a prob i don't know if Thermaltake Bigwater 735 Liquid Cooling System will fit in my case and fit the mother Bord I'm looking at getting




My case is a CoolerMaster CENTURION 5 the mother Bord I'm looking at is a Gigabyte GA-N680SLI-DQ6


the Thermaltake website says that it fits Application for Intel P4 LGA775?Intel BTX platform and all AMD K8 series but will it fit that mother Bord umm here is the complete sats of the stuff I'm getting


Intel Core2 Duo 6700


2GB 6400 C4 Corsair Twinx

Gigabyte 768MB 8800GTX

Gigabyte GA-N680SLI-DQ6

Thermaltake ThghPower 850W

Netgear WPN311


all from www.cpl.net.au (i get from there because i get harf price in some stuff)


PS i would like to keep my NEW PC LAN PARTY FRIENDLY So i don't what the Cooling sys to be out side the case thats why I'm looking at this one


all help would be a help thanks

Edited by Medalforces

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Are you going water cooling because of its cooling capabilitys or beucase its quiter? If your going that route because of its performance than i would stay clear of Tt and get an air cooler from Thermalright (one of the new big ones :D :D there monsterous but cool like no other) and be just as quite or if not quiter.


Yes you could probably fit the bigwater in your case (with a little work and you mighit loose some of your bottem harddrive space) but i dont see the point unless you really want a water cooling setup. If thats the reason i'm going to let one of the forum members who acually knows more about water cooling to give you some advice.


You also said you would like to keep your PC lan party friendly. I wouldnt concider water to be the most lan party friendly but i wouldnt see a problem with it sence with that kit everything is inside your case. Air just seems like a better choice to be if your going to be bringing your baby to gaming events, i mean you wouldnt want that water to leak out everwere and possibly damage your parts.

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the reason i am looking at it is because i got told it was a better way to keep your pc cool but i don't know i have not gotten a new pc for like 6 years so :S


I'm running OLD stuff



Intel P4 2.8Ghz Single core

1Gb of ddr ram 3200 kingsten

240Gbs of hradrive space IDE

FX5700 and so on

Edited by Medalforces

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Then air would be your best bet :). The cooler that king said is good. Or some of the other new thermaltake heatsinks for your cpu, most of them are all backwards compatable with all sockets.


You play grand theft auto on that setup!!! i think i would die :P


Your new setup looks nice but i dont like the Tt power supply even thou the new ones did get good reviews its just a brand that i like to stick away from, they should just keep to cases :P. Enermax is good thou, but i guess im just a little bit of a enermax psu fanboy :lol:


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You play grand theft auto on that setup!!! i think i would die :P



lol Don't bag my PC :P its done a very good job and grand theft auto dose not lag or anything with it its still good i play MP a lot


SANADREAS www.sa-mp.com

Vice city www.vicecitymultiplayer.com


:S After My PC got sick iv been playing that more because its the only thing that works ATM :(

yeah im a bit worryed now if the water cooling did leak in my pc :S hmm

Edited by Medalforces

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you know with the pieces you are assembling, you could run your machine at stock and the vid card too and probably have one of the fastest best gaming systems at any party!! Now I an a water cooling guy. I believe it to be superior to air in every way. I remember when guys were worried about liquid cooling on motorcycles. now there is liquid cooling on and off raod both!! it is better. But, in your case as you want to be mobile your machine will be easier to lug around minus a liquid cooler.

If you put it together with any good sense at all you won't have to worry about leaking on parts. I have been lquid cooling for over 6 years I have never had a problem of any kind. My system gets lugged around to schools, churches, nursing homes and a few computer events here locally it's been featured and demo'd all over the place. The paint has taken a beating but it has never leaked.

Still, A good air cooler may well be your best bet. A good liquid cooler on a screaming fast computer does get it's share of attention but it requires great wire management

and keeping everything neat and clean cuz people will spend a lot of time gazing through your side window. If it don't look good they will let you know!! You see there is much to consider when you are buildiung a system that will leaves the house...............By the way my case is freakin heavy!!!



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this is what Fireonice and i have come up with a couple or charges.



Intel Core2 Duo 6600


2GB 6400 C4 Corsair Twinx

zalman 9700 LED

XFX 768MB 8800 GTX

Logitech G15 Gaming KB

Logitech G5 Mouse

22 inch asus widescreen MW221U

Netgear WPN311

Gigabyte GA-N680SLI-DQ6

silverstone st85zf 850w


Edited by Medalforces

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