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I am backing up all data as we speak, once that is done I will boot n nuke my hard drive and proceed with the build. I will get temps, and OC Information up in this thread as soon as I possibly can.


I am sorry, but I cannot get pictures at the moment. I will be in the next few weeks once my brother comes home with his camera.


Wish me luck.

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I am backing up all data as we speak, once that is done I will boot n nuke my hard drive and proceed with the build. I will get temps, and OC Information up in this thread as soon as I possibly can.


I am sorry, but I cannot get pictures at the moment. I will be in the next few weeks once my brother comes home with his camera.


Wish me luck.

Good luck, and take your time

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I am on 325 X 9 (2.925 GHz)ATM, temps are 30C with F@H running. I haven't changed any voltages or timmings yet. I will have to look into it more in the next few days.

I haven't really been able to locate how I am to change the memory timmings in my CMOS, but I will find out. I can't even POST above 330 X 9. But I haven't tried disabling the things suggested in this guide.



Updates to come. I will try to get some Screenies of Core Temp and CPU Z next Post.

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You have to hit Ctrl + F1 in the main bios main screen before you go into the settings section I forget what it is called, but if you go into the settings section it will not work it has to be done in the main screen of the bios

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Here it is so far, I put up information On anything I thought relevant. If you need some other information to help me just ask and I will get the screen shot.




So As I stand right now: 345 X 9, 3.105 Ghz. I have been unable to get past this point. If I try to go higher, it Will POST, it will Boot into windows, but as soon as I stress test (OCCT On one core, F@H on the other) it will restart with no Blue screen. I have upped the Vcore a bit, what should I do? The Timmings are already @ 5-5-5-13.


FYI, Load temps when I did OCCT test where 40C Both Cores. The temp shown in the Pics are Idle, only F@H Running.

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I think the new OCCT is designed to run both cores with one instance, you may need to run folding at the same time



What do you mean? When I ran OCCT, F@H was also running. Do you mean I need to run F@H On both cores? Isn't that a bit excessive? OCCT and F@H running on both cores at same time? :unsure:

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Ah Ok, when I get home tonight I will try it with just OCCT after I Up it 5 to 10 clicks.


On a side note, I installed the console version of F@H as a service. How would I moniter a Units progress?

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