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Got some questions about OCing my system.

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Ok. I never attempted OCing because it always seemed dangerous to me. Well being a gamer you have to have a good PC to play games. I won't OC my video card because supposedly if theres going to be a problem OCing it will happen there then with a processor. So I am going to OC my Processor instead.


Well below in my sig is my SPECS. I have a Gateway PC from 2002. If you need specific details about the processor they are:

-Intel 2.0 GHZ W/512k P4


So I got some questions:

1. I read a magazine and it said some Gateways can't be overclocked. Is this true? Is mine one?

2. Can I overclock my processor?

3. Where do I go in my system (or DOS) to overclock it?

4. Is there a guide about what to do when overclocking?


I don't really get mumbo-jumbo when it gets to this level sometimes. I do better with guides that say "Go here then change this to this, restart then do this"....etc.

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I think that it is very safe to say that you can't OC your system. Prebuilts are built with locks in the bios and other features to stop you from overclocking and potentially harming the system. I have heard of a few Gateway systems that you could get around this, but success rates are low and they were never able to overclock that well. So no I am sorry you cannot overclock your Gateway.

Also there is really no guide to overclocking, there are documents aimed at educating and helping you to start, but there are no instructions on how to overclock. Every part in any system will overclock differently, even if the two are identical. There are a few guides to start you down your path of overclocking here on OCC, however I am not sure how much thelp they will give you with a Gateway.

Edited by oldfett

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Since I just don't have the know how to build a new system, would I be able to overclock a gaming rig like a Falcon or Alienware system?

I'm curious why you think that you're capable of learning to overclock, but you're not capable of learning to build a PC.


Honestly, building a PC is a lot easier than overclocking. You should really start there first.

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