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AMD 3800 X2 Winsor Core Help


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saying lock it down at a lower speed and raise the fsb?


Well, if it is your ram, that is holding back your overclock, then you have to use lower multiplier that will decrease the ram frequency and hence allow you to increase the FSB. Looks like your mainboard did not support that, so your maximum FSB is limited by your ram.


And well, that is the sad thing todays. There is too many settings to play with and if you don't even know where to begin with - you are pretty much screwed.


this dual core running at 2.6 gig but only using one core, so correct me if i am wrong that knock it down to 1.3 on a single side application?


No, Dual Core running 2.6G does run both cores at 2600Mhz. But the synchronization take some CPU time, hence same clocked single cores are little bit faster in benches. It is hard to write a dual-core optimized bench that will still run on single core... :)


Reaching 3Ghz stable usualy require taking IHS off and adding some more Vcore to the poor chip. Try giving him a little bit more juice (1.500V did not hurt a thing) and see if you can go higher or not.

I did not take IHS off and 3Ghz are stable for me just like for 20 minutes on load. Then the memory controler overheats and machine crash. I using watercooling and still the IHS is got to go, if you want 3Ghz.


IMHO it is not even worth it.

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Yea i really don't want to go through popping that "IHS" off for 400 more mhz or after i do it , heck it might still just do 2.6 gig. I'm going to borrow some better ram to narrow down the problems, and go from there. I also started playing some games instead of trying to overclock and i was very impressed with the cut load times and game loading times over the old cpu. Nice to really injoy something now , but i will play around when i get the other ram and see what happens.Well off to play some more games and actually enjoy it, lol.Good Day.

Edited by KILLER_K

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Seems this board has issues with anything over 260 fsb , got some more ram ddr pc5400 that was used on a 805-d 2.3 cpu that would push it to 3.8 gig hrz stable , so that rules out this ram not being able to hit over 260 fsb.Seems i need to sell this crappy asus motherboard and look into purchasing a different brand. I been using asus for about 6 years , but will no longer use them nor will i recommend them to my friends.


For Sale:



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