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AMD 3800 X2 Winsor Core Help


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Hi, just purches a AMD X2 3800+ Retail cpu and a Asus M2N-SLI Deluxe {new verson} and have been messing around with the cpu.Does anyone else have this same setup or something close so i can get some tips or info on this motherboard.I am currently running the AMD X2 3800+@ 2.6 gighrz at around 1.43 on volts with HT @ 5.And it seems it want go any higher then that, any ideas or suggestion to try at this point.As heat isn't the issue is is super cool @ 33 celsius.Maybe reached the limit of the cpu really don't know.I have some pictures of it in cpu-z etc i try to post them shorly.Good Day.


Updated here are the pictures , maybe someone can help me out , lol


{AMD Stock cooler and o.c}



{Crazy HT speed}



{Super-PI time 34.172'S}


Edited by KILLER_K

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Well, I've been on the "conroe" bandwagon for awhile now, but I have had several systems similar to yours. First things first, you'll want to drop your HT multi from 5 to 4(maybe even 3). You never want your 2(FSB * HTmulti) to be much over 2000. So right now you've got 2(265*5)=2650. When your HT gets too much past 2000, you'll likely run into some severe instability. And, by the way, dropping the HT multi will NOT have an adverse affect on your performance, just added stability. Try to keep your HT bus around 2000. So 2(265*4)=2120 should be more stable, and dropping down to 3 should allow you to keep going on the FSB IF THE 3800 CAN TAKE IT.


Please remember, overclocking is not an exact science, just because someone else got to 2.8 doesn't mean you will. Not all chips are made equal. Besides, 2.6 out of a 2.0 chip is a pretty respectable OC.


As for the weird cpu-z readings, 260(fsb)*5(HT)=1300, so your theoretical HT speed is 2600 :O . That is putting a HUGE load on the mobo unnecessarily. Drop your HT multi to bring it back in line without dropping your OC.


Good luck, and stick around. There are lots of really talented and knowledgeable people around here. I think I had 6 or 8 unanswered posts when I first got here, so don't feel bad. Sometimes it takes a while for the replies to come in, just don't give up.

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Thanks for the reply , i will try that in a few, yea seems them conroe duo 2's are some bad boys.I just can't afford one

right now so i went from a old socket a amd 2800+ to this.Yes the 600 mhz is a nice overclock on the chip, but the super-pi is a bit lame for the x2 as i see most conroe duo 2's are knocking out 20 seconds easily{but i know i will never get that out this x2 =(}.But that is where the 2meg cache and 4 meg cache play a huge role in the process.Mine has the 1 meg split to each core.I really think this ram isn't going to do much more it is pretty generic ram, though i haven't tried adding more volts to it etc.I will try this ht-3 setting in a few and hopefully get a better boost.I remember back in the day if a cpu had 512 and yours had 256 cache you could make that up with around 300 mhz cpu overclock , but seems that isn't the case these days and i have to learn all this new stuff now.Good Day

Edited by KILLER_K

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I had a 4200 Winchester(skt 939) that I ran at 2.7 all the time. It couldn't touch what my e6400 does in super-pi. My c2d at stock(2.13) does super-pi 1M faster than my overclocked 4200 x2 ever did. And I'm running my c2d at 3.4, and it just crushes my old x2 at super-pi. But, things like gaming the difference is not as pronounced. My c2d is faster, no doubt, but using super-pi only to compare them isn't fair to the x2.




Edited by upok

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Wow , that is really nice.I am more and more impressed by them everytime i see a results.What model c2d is that, and does it have the 2 or 4 meg cache on it?I may have a search on goolge and try and get compares and percentage in increase from the 2 meg to the 4 meg cache c2d's.I truely believe the level 2 cache on x2's where there down fall and that messed up ht issue also.That is insane over-clocking there, i will just have to look at my x2 and shake my head.Good Day.

Edited by KILLER_K

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e6400, 2 meg


Rumor has it that the c2d prices are supposed to go down on April 22, maybe your next rig? I think the e6400 is supposed to go down to about $180.


And yeah, it's a good oc, but I'm pretty sure it has more in it. And you mentioned your ram, mine is corsair ddr800 running at 1011 on 1.975V. I lucked out on the memory.


For most day to day uses there isn't much difference between the 2 and 4 meg cache. It's hard to compare them because the lowest level 4 meg is the e6600, which comes with the 9 multiplier, just has more overhead for overclocking. But, my e6400 at 3.4 is insanely fast.


And don't get too down about your chip. The x2s are still great processors. You should keep saving up your money, cause the am2 chip prices are dropping like mad--you could upgrade to a 5000 for like $165. That would be a huge increase in power.

Edited by upok

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Nah, i'm not knocking the chip by no means.Seems i have a video issue or and a ram issue though.But i also noticed the multiplier was unlocked about a hour ago on this cpu.Also anything over 265 and the Microsoft Logo at boot up disappears and slowly returnes like a pause then it will come in to view from a transparent view to a full view.Could be a video issue i'm not sure yet.I'm going to try and loosen the ram to 5-5-5--15 and see what happens in a few minutes.


Here is a few pictures of the ram




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Sorry about the delay in post reply, but had surgery thursday and feeling a little better today.I fixed the windows xp boot up logo by dropping the ram timming to "5-5-5-15" and the boot logo appears fine now.The vdimm i haven't changed it is at "auto".I really haven't had much time to try anything with it because of the surgery but i will take a try later on as i am pretty bored at this point.So anything you like me to try i'm all up for it .Good Day.


P.S. It seems i need to learn what a few more of these things do in the bios so i will get a good read tonight and i found a "pdf" for this motherboard and overclocking it and will look into it also.


Update: It's the ram , i changed the multiplier to "5x" and tried the ram at 270 , 280 and then 290. 290 wouldn't boot so

it seems around 280 is going to be the ram limit and 270 is probably going to be the most stable with it. Fixing to selll it and move to a conroe due 2 i guess as i still am not impressed going from a single core to a dual for some reason yet.

Edited by KILLER_K

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You will then not be impressed with Conroe either. Dual core did not bring you anything anyway for most day usage and it has even lower scores in most benches that are not specificaly optimizes for dual core...


Neverless, you can relax your ram clock by using the multiplier for ram.


Simplified it goes like this - real ram clock can be calculated roughly as:


FSB x divider / 200


Hence - 300Mhz FSB x 200 / 200 = 300Mhz for rams. You see, the 200 is the divider. My mobo allow me dividers like 100, 133, 166, 183, 200, 233 and 250 ;) My rams suxx, so I use:


280 x 166 / 200 = 232Mhz B:) That way I have high FSB (power!) and getting the max out of my rams. Easy stuff. If your ram is limiting you, that is the way.


As for SuperPi - it does not tell the whole story. It just tell ya, that the CPU has a hell lot of cache and that it is :) It is true that I did not mamaged to get bello 26sec, ever at little over 3ghz...




One of my testing results...

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Well i guess you know like the old days if you went from say a old 600 cpu to a 1.5 cpu , you would be like wow.Now since i went to dual core i see it is faster in number crunching etc.To bad you can't make windows xp use both cores on everything you use , not just the multi-threaded apps , etc.Now from what i am reading and looking at in my bios , i have "memory clock frequency" [options], [auto, [ddr400], [ddr 533], [ddr 667], [ddr2 800]. I may be wrong but your saying lock it down at a lower speed and raise the fsb? And it seems my board is different then all the other "M2N-sli" boards as my ram is at the bottom of the cpu not off to the right as everyone else pictures shows. There are just to many settings in this bios, it is kinda hard to set one thing check it and come back. I't will take me forever to do all this settings and check them, lol.Anyway moving on, i was just thinking my single core running at 2.3 gig and this dual core running at 2.6 gig but only using one core, so correct me if i am wrong that knock it down to 1.3 on a single side application? As to gete full 2.6 gig out of both cores you need a app or game coded to use both cores am i correct?also i would like to thank you for helping as you have been the only one to reply here, i know there has to be more folks with this board then just a hand full here. Maybe they will all chip in and if i can get maybe 3 gig outta it i will keep it, 400 more mhz shouldn't be asking to much , well on the ram part i would guess so. I will keep trying and see what happens.

Thanks again and Good Day.

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