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overclocking for novice......

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I am totally new at this so plz bare with me.. i have the new or new to me asus commando mb... with a pentium d 3.4 processor with 2 1 gigs of 667 memory ,1 stick is centon and the other is kingston with a 1 vid card g4 6600 with a sata 160 hdd maxtor ..

this prolly not the best out there but it fits my needs and it works i have no problems at all with anything that i have seen ..


but i would like to over clock it its viable for me .. i play games thats all i use my comp. for so any advice would greatly be appreciated...


Like i said im not real good with this kinda stuff so be patience with me .. and plz explain to me like i was 10yrs old so i can understand...


ty very much

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