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I guess different minds see that article different ways. Google it folks. Plethora of articles all point the same way. Oh, yeah. In a year you can drop another $500 to catch up. Total cost $320+$500 vs $950....hmmmm and good luck pulling out the Water Cooling or oversized fan to get to the CPU. The Zalman 9700LED...board has to be removed. For the extra $100 bucks....technology now. Oh, and King......Years? End of '07 for mainstream and it's April...Come on here. Oh, and for you folks for the Evga 680i paying $220 ... with Striker $315. Wow, OH NO, a whooping $100 more. dang, I spend that in gas in a week. Oh, which is a better performer should be the factor right?..... hmmmmm......

Evga680i vs. Asus Striker


Lets see how this one gets twisted......


I'm done guys....it's getting ugly. Just research it....draw your own conclusions...I did. This topic only validated my MOBO and Quad Core...Thanks to all.

Edited by TheRealOmegaMan

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The thing is, when all said and done, go to any PROPER overclocking forum or tech page...and I'll bet you a pretty penny that NONE of them endorse the quad core as being idea for gaming and overclocking at present.


So yes. With research (substantial) and conclusions drawn, I'm more than delighted to reveal that the Quad Core is almost redundant today (for the folk who want to overclock and play games) and is mainly purchased by specialists, or marketing executives suckers.

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I guess different minds see that article different ways. Google it folks. Plethora of articles all point the same way. Oh, yeah. In a year you can drop another $500 to catch up. Total cost $320+$500 vs $950....hmmmm and good luck pulling out the Water Cooling or oversized fan to get to the CPU. The Zalman 9700LED...board has to be removed. For the extra $100 bucks....technology now. Oh, and King......Years? End of '07 for mainstream and it's April...Come on here. Oh, and for you folks for the Evga 680i paying $220 ... with Striker $315. Wow, OH NO, a whooping $100 more. dang, I spend that in gas in a week. Oh, which is a better performer should be the factor right?..... hmmmmm......

Evga680i vs. Asus Striker


Lets see how this one gets twisted......


I'm done guys....it's getting ugly. Just research it....draw your own conclusions...I did. This topic only validated my MOBO and Quad Core...Thanks to all.

End of 07 you want to see games supporting quad cores? I mean lots of games, and so that it makes a difference, I HIGHLY doubt that!


Other than that, I dunno if you swim in money or anything, but I know that only people who have absolutely too much of it and can't be bothered to compare price to performance will buy a 100$ more expensive board for an extremely little real world performance gain!

The question you gotta ask yourself is "Do I need this?", and then you will see, you don't! I had the same thing, I was considering getting a 7900GTO/GTX when I sold my 7800GT SLI, but I didn't. I don't need that much performance, a X1950Pro cuts the bill nicely for me. I run all my games at high resolutions just fine, so why pay 100$/

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End of 07 you want to see games supporting quad cores? I mean lots of games, and so that it makes a difference, I HIGHLY doubt that!


Other than that, I dunno if you swim in money or anything, but I know that only people who have absolutely too much of it and can't be bothered to compare price to performance will buy a 100$ more expensive board for an extremely little real world performance gain!

The question you gotta ask yourself is "Do I need this?", and then you will see, you don't! I had the same thing, I was considering getting a 7900GTO/GTX when I sold my 7800GT SLI, but I didn't. I don't need that much performance, a X1950Pro cuts the bill nicely for me. I run all my games at high resolutions just fine, so why pay 100$/

Edited by TheRealOmegaMan

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OK I'm done with this. I came here for overclocking not a childhood jealousy spat about who's toys are better.


Well, if you can produce the goods, then sure: brag all you like.


Until then, you are looking more and more like you are all talk. Sorry if that offends, but you are talking some utter rubbish and when you provide "facts", they are somewhat flawed.


Direct from the anandtech link:


"The best CPU buys are still going to be the E6300, E6400 and E6600, which are unfortunately "only" dual core solutions. Despite being only dual core offerings, all three are still some of the fastest performing desktop CPUs money can buy today."


But no matter what I, nor anyone else for that matter says or does, you will always be correct. Well done!

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You are a Dingaling...... I Love this quote "I don't need that much performance" WOW is all on that. What were you playing? Hearts? Also the X1950 Pro tells me something. Loved ATI. Sorry, no Direct X 10. 2x -- 8800GTS--yes.

Bah! You know, the 8800 cards have not always existed. Any chance that maybe he bought his card before 8800 was out? You're comparing old gen with new gen. And implying that all a 1950 is good for is "hearts" just shows your outlook on the situation that much more clearly. You probably don't have a clue about performance. Just benches. So I guess anyone who's not running dual 8800GTXs is just stupid. Probably good for nothing but minesweeper, right?



OK> I did. Here is the article one of MANY. TECH PAGE ONE OF SIX

That's the same one you already quoted. That's the same one we already responded to. That's the same one that references data that clearly shows the quad offers no benefit. I will ask again. Did you read the article that your link links to? If you had, you'd know that it proves nothing. All you have there is one guy's opinion, separate from any hard data, and linking to data that clearly disproves his assertations. Besides, you keep comparing to the extreme duo, but we're comparing to the E6600. Like I said, if you think it's a "necessity" to spend $1k on a chip, then yeah maybe the quad is a good choice. A lot of people don't have a need to spend as much as possible though.




And no more !!!!! You guys win!!! But Varran, dude, if you overclock that 6600 to FSB levels at 3.55 and above.....your purchase of the Quad Core may be much sooner according to Intel. Got a good contact there which is why I never bought an AMD :rolleyes: Give them a call.

I'm sorry if this is a little blunt, but you don't even know how to overclock. You've never done it. So why do you keep quoting all this supposed OC knowledge to us? First you say your QX can run 3.4, then you say that a E6600 at 3.55 will die an early death. These are assumptions from someone who's barely stepped foot into the OC world. You say you want to learn, but then you say it'll kill your chip. Make up your mind and your points might actually hold some weight.


OK I'm done with this. I came here for overclocking not a childhood jealousy spat about who's toys are better.

And there's the clincher. You'd love for people to be jealous. Sadly though, as you can see from the response here, we're not. We respect people with knowledge, not a big checking account. Anyone can go to newegg, sort each section by highest price and build a cart. That's not impressive.


Oh and talking about removing a motherboard or heatsink as a reason not to upgrade? Are you kidding me? You'd think after "25+ years of industry experience" you wouldn't fear such trivial tasks. I'm sorry, but if not disassembling your system is worth $100 or more to you, then you're not an enthusiest.

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And I was thinking about taking mine rig apart and clean it and put it back together today just so I would have something to do. I decided to wait, my new case should be here tomorrow or the next day then I will change cases just to try and get things running cooler. Upgrading cases from Sonata to P180B.

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