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64 and 2GB DDR400 OC Question

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I have an Athlon 64 3500+ on a DFI Lanparty SLI-D.. I have 2x1GB Samsung DDR400 RAM, right now i am running 166mhz DRAM with 220MHZ FSB because I cannot boot into 200mhz DRAM, everytime i change my DRAM speeds to 200 1:1 i cannot boot. I can set everything to auto, no luck, and i can set my timings to 3-3-3-8 which is what this ram runs at 200mhz.. But i cannot boot into a 1:1.. Any suggestions?

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Looks like there's some pretty compelling evidence to assume there's something wrong with your memory. Did you just get this ram, or have you been running it a while? Has it ever been able to run at 200 HTT?


A little more history on the problem will go a long ways.

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Just got it.. Ok so narrowed down to my RAM, i'll run Memtest

OK, so that narrows it down a lot. But I'm not sure how you plan to run memtest when you say it won't boot :P


A good exercise would be to try one stick at a time. If it is the memory for sure, then more than likely just one of the sticks is bad. If it'll boot at 200 with one and not the other... well there you go. But yeah, see what the highest you can boot to is, and memtest there. If it can't pass a few hours of memtest at (or below) 200, then it's bad.


Also, as a side note: Have you checked with CPU-Z to make sure that the [Auto] setting for your ram is setting the timings right? Or have you tried manually setting them at 200?

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if you have the HTT (FSB) at 220 MHz and the memory "divider" is at Max Memclock = 200 MHz (1:1) then the ram speed is (CPU Speed / CPU Multi) which is the same as the HTT (FSB)


in this case 220 MHz... so you are running the ram out of spec (overclocking by 10%)... you should try looser timings like 3-4-4-8-1T, different Vdimm, or stick with the Max Memclock "divider" which gives approximately 5:6 ratios...





(the 133 one might not be right, but basically that's how it works)


that is how you could get your memory to stay at 200 MHz with various cpu oc's (first line is why your memory is running out of spec)


obviously, you'd want to use Memtest86+ to give an indication of the maximum stable speed and timings for your ram first... then i'd suggest oc-ing the cpu with the memory loose and slow, then when you've found the max cpu oc, get the ram and cpu to oc in the best combination of settings :)

Edited by hardnrg

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have you tried setting: CL=3, Trcd=3, Tras=8, Tras=3, CPC=1T manually?

tried setting the Vdimm manually?


how about trying the yellow slots instead of the orange (or vice versa)?


what version bios are you using? 623-1, 623-3, 704-2bta, and the newest one (0610?) are the most popular ones to try out, TMods Bios CD makes it easier to try them out :)

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I have tried setting CAS = 3, trcd =3, trp = 3, and tras=8 .. You have 2 tras's which one is correct? why does it not work on Auto tho?. BIOS is version 6.00PG.. and I have not tried the other slots...


I did run Memtest86+ for 7 hours and everything looks good


I have it set to 166 memory, 6:5.. so at 200fsb, the ram is running 166... When i set the RAM to 200, it won't boot

Edited by HoLoDreaM

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UPDATE: I just reset my CMOS and went into the BIOS and noticed it was set to 200mhz DRAM 1:1. So i try and save it, and it doesn't work, so I reset the CMOS one more time and totally skip the BIOS, and go into Windows and CPU-Z is showing me I am running 2.13ghz with 193 (pretty much 200) FSB, and 193 Bus speed, with 775mhz HT Link.. Under the Memory tab, it shows my ram set to CPU/11 3-3-3-8-11 2T with DRAM idle timer at 16 clocks.. MAybe it has to do with the 2T?


Which is going to be faster? My CPU set to 2.5ghz with RAM around 180 on 1T with 2.5-3-3-7 or CPU/RAM 1:1 with 200mhz RAM on 2T with 3-3-3-8?

Edited by HoLoDreaM

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Generally, running a divider on an A64 doesn't hurt performance much at all. That's most due to the onboard memory controller. I'd stay you're better off to go for cpu speed and don't worry about running a divider.

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