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Old School Overclocking Competition!

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I was just waiting for Taz to show up, this is THE retro topic of the year :lol:

bring in those shots, make a list like in the 775/939 competition so we can see who is the real god of the retro (sorry taz, but you got yourself a little competition here ;))

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I was just waiting for Taz to show up, this is THE retro topic of the year :lol:

bring in those shots, make a list like in the 775/939 competition so we can see who is the real god of the retro (sorry taz, but you got yourself a little competition here ;))


Don't make me find a SS7 board so I can pull the K62-550 out of mothballs & 'whoop' you good! LMAO :lol: seriously, for this to work we're gonna' need some guidelines & verification eh?


BTW there's another forum out there in cyber space currently running what is affectionately referred to as the beater bench, with a stock ceiling of 1Ghz, memory & GFX related benching :D


* ah nostalgia * :P

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Well I just ran superpi on it out of curiosity but if you guys want to add more programs to it then just post them here and I'll edit them into my original post as the guidelines. Gonna try cpumark 99 and some of the others I've seen in the 775/939 forums.


Oh, if you guys want me to edit in the scores like they did in the 775/939 threads, pm me a screenshot of what you got and I'll take care of the rest.

Edited by iKillSteal

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Just as a big general I'll say Athlon XP(the general lifespan of it and any Intel products of that same time) and older. If you wouldn't post it in the socket 775/939 threads, post it here :D


Edit: I just realized that this is probably the only worthwhile thing that I've contributed to OCC since I joined...At least it's something big so I guess it kind of makes up for my inactivity.

Edited by iKillSteal

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That leaves P4s out as there posted in the 775 section so I will have to go upstairs and see what AMD I have that will OC. I know I have two 2200+ ex folding rigs that were running at 2800+ speed or thats what the bios said when I was rebooting awhile back.

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I could go to friends and family and probably accumulate a dozen or so "pre-XP athlons or some old P3's, but all of them would have nasty old proprietary motherboards that pretty much only have the date/time and IDE settings in the bios... :(

(although I had a PB back in the day that had quite an assortment of options in the bios for a OEM)


Its pretty much "hit n' miss" with most older OEM computers (which is the majority of them), either they have mild overclock features or they have none...

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I had an old comp (P1 or P2?) and I shoulda tried a suicide run, but I didn't know about OCing then and lit the whole thing on fire instead. :D


Geez! I hope you took pic's of it whilst on fire! I don't mind the odd bit of pyromania LMAO :lol:


I believe it was kingdingaling who once asked how well a recapped DFI/Tualatin 1.1Ghz combo' could be OC'ed, below is the answer... by using an add-on PCI graphics card and a really low latency SDR module we got 1.1Ghz -> 1.407Ghz around a 28% increase over stock, not too shabby :D



Edited by tazwegion

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