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Its the dust!

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no air flow over the HDD can / will cause that :(



the premise of a case is to force 'X' cubic inches of air per minute (CFM) in and MATCH it coming out. creating a wind tunnel effect. it makes sure fresh air is circulated over all components. with the side off you've got negative air pressure in the case, thus air is only going to the easiest escape from the system.... out that gaping hole in the side. it also allows hot air to be exhausted off some components such as the cpu to be sucked right back in to the front. fans out the back push that air far enough away to let it cool by the time it gets a chance to be sucked back in.


I'm betting your next component to go will be the PSU.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The instant my server started folding this morning It sounded an overheat alarm. The scary thing is that alarm was going off most of yesterday and I slept through it. :( The metal part of the HSF was almost too hot to touch. I thought I smelled hot plastic. No nothing melted. :) At least that computer was doing its part to collect the dust in here. :lol:


Yes 'dusting' is important.


Good thing I have extra HSFs....

I hope this is not to late of a post for me to comment but I got to say, thats the perfect example of why people without intake filters should clean there computers every 4 month's and if I were you I would change ur thermal gel at the same time (for the people who dont know) because it dose dry up and gets hard to remove and increases the temperature...I was told by a buddy that the temperature go's up by 10c for a certain length(I hope someone know what Im talking about and could back me on that 1) and I dont me to criticize anyone about a dirty computer im just saying it would benifit you to clean :P

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest christopher3393

Is there any good reason Not to have intake filters? I know they restrict airflow a little.

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