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Its the dust!

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The instant my server started folding this morning It sounded an overheat alarm. The scary thing is that alarm was going off most of yesterday and I slept through it. :( The metal part of the HSF was almost too hot to touch. I thought I smelled hot plastic. No nothing melted. :) At least that computer was doing its part to collect the dust in here. :lol:


Yes 'dusting' is important.


Good thing I have extra HSFs....




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fan filters my friend... fan filters




Ever since I got my P180 with built in fan filters, I don't have nearly as much dust covering my components, much less getting caked onto my heatsink.

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Ever since I got my P180 with built in fan filters, I don't have nearly as much dust covering my components, much less getting caked onto my heatsink.


i just buy one of those 16in square big air filters from home depot for a buck. Then i cut it up and put it on my intake fans & in front of my cpu fans.


The dust in my case is very minimal and i clean out my cpu HS like once every 6 months & even when i do there isn't much to clean out

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mine neva gets like that the botom of my case yea but my heat sinks are clean and thats with the side pannle off




that's because the air flow to your processor is horrible.

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