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Overclocking X2 3800+

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This build no longer gives me the edge, so its time to perk it up a little. I recently ordered an Arctic Freezer Pro 64 heatsink/fan and installed it with some AS5. It lowered load by 10C on default settings. I gotten it stabled so far to 2.5ghz @ 10x, vCore at 1.4v and 45-46C load. Once I finish this 2nd stress run at 2.5ghz I'll lower the divider down 1 more from 5/6. I tried 2.55ghz earlier but it would fail after 10mins.


I was thinking if getting a faster fan installed on the heatsink; will it reduce my temps some more? The fan size is 92mm. The current fan spins at 900 - 2200 RPM. Silent is no longer an issue when overclocking. I heard from my friend that my ram is holding me back thats why I couldn't pass 2.55 stable. I'm hoping this could atleast get 2.8ghz as a few of the other OCC members here have had with their X2 3800+.

Edited by Krazyxazn

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Ok so far so good, I gotten it to 2.55ghz @ 9x stable. Had to up'd volts from 1.4 to 1.47 so my temps on load are around 48-49 (Orthos - Small FFTs -Stress CPU). I was wondering if I installed Silverstone SST -FM92 fan or Vantec TD9238H will it reduce my load temps by a lot? The fan on the Freezer Pro 64 has a 40cfm and the Silverstone is at 80cfm and the Vantec is at 119cfm. From one of the reviews in Newegg some1 has been able to fit the Silverstone on the Freezer Pro and it comes with a fan controller.


Which one do you guys think I should get the Silverstone or the Vantec and hope it will fit on the heatsink? Also waiting for the AS5 to settle so I can get 1-3 C drop in temps. Applied it yesterday so it might take 2-4 days.

Edited by Krazyxazn

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Hmm, werid even though my OC is stable according to memtest and Orthos. I lost a great deal of gaming performance. I went from a 4k 3dMark06 score to 636. Games are very laggy with extremely low FPS. My friend said it my OC might have bugged up my OS install files or something. So might end up reformating.

Edited by Krazyxazn

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Well, done with overclocking. Final results:


AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ stock 2ghz; oc'd 2.55ghz avg temp 47C

Leadtek Nvidia 7800GT stock 450/1050; oc'd 470/1200 avg temp 63-65C


3dmark06 stock 4044; oc'd 4316


I'm pretty happy with the results. I did have to change the Geometric Delta setting on the 7800GT. Its most common that 7800GTs have a 40 Geometric Delta setting. Removed that and it helped with overclocking.

Edited by Krazyxazn

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did you try the 1.5Vgpu 3d mode bios mod? you might be able to hit around 520 core with it... my 1.4v oc was around the same as yours with a single 7800GT... that extra 0.1v really helps :)

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