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1st time overclocking


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I overclocked my video card with great success with tips from this forum. I am very pleased with it and will recommend it to anyone who asks. To the point, I would like to try and overclock my processor as well. I am running a P4 3.2Ghz with HT. I have ATI Tray Tools and Fan Speed to monitor video card and processor temperatures. Is there a program I need to dl to overclock the processor or will ATI Tray Tools do that, and if it does I guess I would need a quick walk through to do it safely. Any and all tips would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you in advance,



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Overclocking your CPU is a lot different from the video card (why the guide is very helpful). You can use software overclocking but thats not recommended for anything other than tweaking.

Edited by SMeeD

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I read through the guide and dl'd a couple programs: SuperPI and Prime95. To be honest with you I don't really understand how to guage the results of the tests. Prime95 ran for 4h 41m with no errors and i ran SuperPI up to 8M, which finished in 7m 15s. Unfortunately I am not sure what to take from these results.



I would suggest reading the over clocking guide first and then if you have some questions come back :)

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