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Overclock Celeron D 356 3.33GHz


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Alright, as I said before I am a noob when it comes to this stuff... I don't know a whole lot cause I just tinker. I finally got this mobo in and all my peripherals in (not trying to OC yet) and can't get freakin Windows to run. Everything is recognized in cmoss but when I try to start Windows up the computer restarts only to go to the Windows selection screen (ie Safe Mode, Last good configuration, blah blah blah). I checked my jumpers on the mobo and everything seems to be in order, maybe the mobo is DOA? I can't seem to figure it out. Anyone have any clues? I thought that maybe I was underpowering it so I got a 450W power supply to no avail. The RAM is compatible (1GB PC2-5300 DDR2), no beeps and boops..... anyone?

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If you have more than one optical drive, make sure the jumpers are set to Master and Slave. Typically when that happens (assuming nothing was wrong beforehand), it's because the optical drive or hard drive jumpers are both set to master.

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If you have more than one optical drive, make sure the jumpers are set to Master and Slave. Typically when that happens (assuming nothing was wrong beforehand), it's because the optical drive or hard drive jumpers are both set to master.


Yes, this isn't the issue. Both are being read in cmos (HDD to primary master w/HDD jumper on master and DVD/RW to primary slave w/DVD/RW set to slave). I'm quite cornfussed! I might as well just send it back and exchange it for a higher end mobo.

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One of two things off the top of my head:

Possible the ram is being supplied too little voltage for it's current speed (such as DDR2 800 that needs 1.9/2v yet most boards default to 1.8v) or my more liekly guess is you didnt uninstall the drivers from your previous motherboard. For the first a simple drop of ram speed would tell you if that was the case, if you want to get more detailed crash info hit F8 just b4 windows starts to load and select diable auto restart and it'll keep the BSOD up for you to read :) google the error. My GUESS is you'll have this one http://support.microsoft.com/kb/324103 If so it is most lielly the old board drivers causing problems. Your likely best option to save the drive data is a repair install of XP (I'm assuming XP here).


I canse you havent done a repair isntall here's a link with directions http://www.michaelstevenstech.com/XPrepairinstall.htm


Good luck :)

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Excellent, I didn't even think about the drivers... I've never built a system using a HD with an operating system already on it... I usually format and install myself. I have repair installed before (I made the mistake of buying an E-machine a few years back and messed with it... junk...) Anyway, thanks for advice, I'll try it out.

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I'm inclined to agree with that last suggestion. it's looking for the old drive controller, and once it can't find it you get a BSOD and reboot.



in the mobo section there is a guide to getting around this. but a clean install is always best.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I just decided to buy a new HD and clean install anyway.... got everything running but haven't attempted OC yet. What software would anyone recommend to track the performance/temp of my components? I went to the download section to see what was there but get a warning page (failed to open stream). I'm sure there's some good FREE stuff out there. It would be nice to be able to display my temp on the task bar with an alarm when it reaches a certain temp; is that out there? I know I can get a controller to put in a bay, but why spend the money when you can do it for free (other than it looks cool) While I'm at it, I know there is software that enables you to OC while in windows as opposed to the BIOS... which program has the best interface for this. Thanks again.

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Well, I just decided to buy a new HD and clean install anyway.... got everything running but haven't attempted OC yet. What software would anyone recommend to track the performance/temp of my components? I went to the download section to see what was there but get a warning page (failed to open stream). I'm sure there's some good FREE stuff out there. It would be nice to be able to display my temp on the task bar with an alarm when it reaches a certain temp; is that out there? I know I can get a controller to put in a bay, but why spend the money when you can do it for free (other than it looks cool) While I'm at it, I know there is software that enables you to OC while in windows as opposed to the BIOS... which program has the best interface for this. Thanks again.


SpeedFan will read off temperatures and voltages for you(Though I find the voltages to be off ><) - Its nice and free and a quick google search will let you have it in under a minute :)

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