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cya man... Ive got a lot of mormon friends and I respect them for what they do (even though I dont always agree with them but thats expected with any religion :P) anyways good luck, I always thought of you as one of the cooler people/one of my friends on here... take care, do good


Also, have fun, its an experience you will never forget!


If ya get the chance be sure to drop a line over here, I wouldnt mind knowing whats going on with ya durring your mission :)


Ill be praying for you...

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I would love a special mention in the mormon trail KB. That what be just what I need to put a smile on my face :lol: and yeah, my profile pic is interesting. I made it a couple of years ago, I cut out kevin rose's head and pasted it onto a picture of the pope. I just thought that that kevin rose looked hilarious as a pope! :lol:

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