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64bit Gentoo And Folding


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basically I've been folding on my 64 bit workstation which runs 64bit gentoo linux, and the log says i've finished a bunch of work units but EOC says I haven't, heres the log, this is . me off, I just checked and I'm getting 57 ppd! wtf! I used to get 300! heres the log, and YES this thing is stable! I _NEED_ to get this thing back up and working!

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the log shows that you've completed 2 WUs in the past 3 days, and thats what EOC reflects in your stats page. the thing that really hurt your PPD, was the fact that you had gotten through 82% of a 600 point WU and ended up having to delete the WU because of improper termination.

[17:30:42] Completed 197500 out of 250000 steps  (79%)

[17:57:42] Writing local files

[17:57:43] Completed 200000 out of 250000 steps  (80%)

[18:24:56] Writing local files

[18:24:56] Completed 202500 out of 250000 steps  (81%)

[18:52:21] Writing local files

[18:52:21] Completed 205000 out of 250000 steps  (82%)


Folding@Home Client Shutdown.


Folding@Home Client Shutdown.


Folding@Home Client Shutdown.



--- Opening Log file [November 1 19:16:25]



# Linux Console Edition #######################################################



                      Folding@Home Client Version 5.02







Launch directory: /root/FAH

Executable: ./FAH502-Linux.exe



[19:16:25] - Ask before connecting: No

[19:16:25] - User name: aaronamd (Team 12772)

[19:16:25] - User ID: 7F36BB010B9A003A

[19:16:25] - Machine ID: 1


[19:16:25] Loaded queue successfully.

[19:16:25] + Benchmarking ...


[19:16:34] + Processing work unit

[19:16:34] Core required: FahCore_78.exe

[19:16:34] Core found.

[19:16:34] Working on Unit 06 [November 1 19:16:34]

[19:16:34] + Working ...


[19:16:34] *------------------------------*

[19:16:34] Folding@Home Gromacs Core

[19:16:34] Version 1.86 (August 28, 2005)


[19:16:34] Preparing to commence simulation

[19:16:34] - Ensuring status. Please wait.

[19:16:51] - Looking at optimizations...

[19:16:51] - Working with standard loops on this execution.

[19:16:51] - Previous termination of core was improper.

[19:16:51] - Files status OK

[19:16:53] - Expanded 2962314 -> 16166417 (decompressed 545.7 percent)


[19:16:54] Project: 1141 (Run 65, Clone 35, Gen 22)


[19:16:55] Entering M.D.

[19:17:01] Gromacs error.


[19:17:01] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNKNOWN_ERROR

[19:17:01] CoreStatus = 79 (121)

[19:17:01] Client-core communications error: ERROR 0x79

[19:17:01] Deleting current work unit & continuing...

[19:17:23] - Preparing to get new work unit...

[19:17:23] + Attempting to get work packet

[19:17:23] - Connecting to assignment server

[19:17:24] - Successful: assigned to (

[19:17:24] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home

[19:17:24] Loaded queue successfully.

[19:17:25] + Closed connections


[19:17:30] + Processing work unit

[19:17:30] Core required: FahCore_82.exe

[19:17:30] Core found.

[19:17:30] Working on Unit 07 [November 1 19:17:30]

[19:17:30] + Working ...


[19:17:30] *------------------------------*

[19:17:30] Folding@Home PMD Core

[19:17:30] Version 1.03 (September 7, 2005)


[19:17:30] Preparing to commence simulation

[19:17:30] - Looking at optimizations...

[19:17:30] - Created dyn

[19:17:30] - Files status OK

[19:17:30] - Expanded 88865 -> 563401 (decompressed 633.9 percent)


[19:17:31] Project: 1850 (Run 51, Clone 72, Gen 8)


[19:17:31] Assembly optimizations on if available.

[19:17:31] Entering M.D.

[19:17:37] Protein: p1850_Myosin6_PT_US


[19:17:37] Completed 0 out of 500000 steps  (0%)


Folding@Home Client Shutdown.


sometimes when a protein has to be terminated early (possibly because its reached a state it can not continue from), it sends in the results and you receive a fraction of the WU's points (depending on percent completed). but because of the type of error that occured with your client, it never tried sending in the incomplete results for partial credit. it just requested a new WU and deleted the previous one.


EOC is accurately reflecting the work your client has turned in, as far as stats are concerned (your log shows you've turned in 2 WU's in the past 3 days, and thats what EOC shows as well). errors, like the above, have happened to quite a few (including myself), so its not just you. be happy you haven't noticed something like this happen before (or better yet, hope that this was the first time). good luck with your future WU's though.

Edited by Trakfast11

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could also be the types of WU's you're being assigned. some WUs are faster to crunch through than others and some WUs that are worth the same amount of points as another take longer to complete (even if both have 99% cpu usage for practically the whole time).


so really, it depends on:

1.) WUs you're assigned

2.) what coding optimizations are used (if any)

3.) what % of CPU is available for FAH during the duration of processing (even though 100% is set, thats just the most it will use if its available)


if a bunch of people's stats are showing the same general trend as yours, then your decrease/increase is most likely due to the types of WUs that are being assigned. (i know you were saying yours was decreasing, but i wanted to generalize so that it would also take upward trends into account).


edit: p.s: there doesn't appear to be a downwards trend atm for any of the teams i've checked so far, so that doesn't appear to be the source of your anxiety. i'd say as long as your client doesn't error out and have to start all over again (and you don't receive horrible PPD/WUs) you're PPD should be back up around this time next week (a week from the day you turn in your next WU). i can't say it will be back in the 300 PPD range, but it should definately be above 57 PPD.

Edited by Trakfast11

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ok well cool, I gave it a fresh start today, re downloaded everything just to be sure :P

and now it's crunching through a PMD :D so it should go back up by tommorrow and it is folding from 8:00 to 4:30 and from 10:00 to 800 lol so it has plenty of folding time :P I am at school most of the time now so ...bleh!

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