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Can't Share Files On Windows


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I can seem to share files.

all my computers have setting for the windows networking wizard.

and all of them have Zone alarm fire wall.

I set zone alarm to trust the IP range that is all my DHCP range.

My laptop and my mom's can share file, but we can't even look inside my office computer.

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well.. start by disabeling the firewall and see if that does anything.. if not.. add a folder to a share.. then go to start.. run.. \\ "for example" to see if it will let you authenticate to get to the share..

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or allow file sharing on the xp firewall.


I have the Z/A Suite. Having the Windows firewall enabled would be Redundant. Also try looking in your Admin./services and see if you have the appropriate services running. Example: Server. Just a suggestion of course. Hope this helps either way.

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Go check THIS out. I forgot to mention it before. I personally found it very useful. Though it may need to be updated, I dunno but nevertheless. It works for me. I have used this guide on other computers and the owners had told me that there Rig has had a significant speed increase. Not to mention it may be a good place to start when troubleshooting. Good Luck!

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I can seem to share files. 

all my computers have setting for the windows networking wizard.

and all of them have Zone alarm fire wall.

I set zone alarm to trust the IP range that is all my DHCP range.

My laptop and my mom's can share file, but we can't even look inside my office computer.




my router has a built in fire wall, but i just in install Z/A on all of our computers, the free version.

I am going to look at that server thing



have you tried the previous suggestions? and has your problem been fixed yet?



if not:

so your laptop and your mom's computer can't look inside your office comp. (so just to clarify, does this mean your laptop and your mom's comp can see the office comp on the network, but just can't access it.... or can you not even see the office comp on your network?)


also, are all these XP computers or are any of them 2000, NT, or ME? and were you able to connect directly to the office computer via typing its ip address in the command prompt? (going to Start -> Run. and usually typing \\192.168.x.x {where the x's are the last 2 sets of numbers for the ip of the comp you want to connect to})


if you still can't connect to your office computer (and i'm assuming your office computer can connect to the internet, so it should have the TCP/IP protocol installed), check to see what protocols are installed in your mom's comp and your laptop. if there is a protocol that is installed on both your mom's comp and your laptop, but not your office comp, then you might want to try installing that protocol as well and see if that solves it.

if you could let us know if your problem has already solved, that would be great.

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