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New Draft For War On Terror


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Verran, that is the sort of reason I think it is stupid to be 100% Democrat or Republican. I say vote for which ever one you think would be the better choice. Being stuck to only one party makes you closed minded. Now granted being a conservative most of the time you are gonna vote for a Republican but that doesn't mean you should still vote for the Republican candidate if the Democrat candidate would be a better President. Now I am not saying Kerry would have made a better President than Bush. I think Kerry would have made a horrible President but that is my own personal opinion and I am just stating that so people don't get confused with what I am saying.


Another thing is the problem with this bill  is that something as serious as Nuclear war capabilities should be controlled by Congress not one man like the President. The more power given to one man that is one more step we take towards dictatorship.


I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said! (Except Bush being better than Kerry :P)


On the topic of not being too far to either side, you're exactly right. Each extreme is filled with wackos. Realistically, the solutions have to come from the middle, or they simply won't fly with any majority. I have often said that while lately I sway more towards the libs, that I am really neither. I used to consider myself a republican, but GW has done a a brilliant job of alienating me, and I just can't bring myself to side with any party he leads anymore. But on a lot of economic issues, I think the reds have a lot better outlook in general than the blues. Overall, you have to choose the issue, not the man.


On the topic of the bill, I think you're completely right. What scares me is that ever since 9/11, we've been constantly taking steps that make us more and more like the people we vow to destroy. The Patriot Act removes rights in the attempt to make the government's job easier (diminishing FREEDOM). This war went blantantly against every major nation on the planet. And now we want to take control of our weaponry out of the hands of the many, and give it to the few. What's even worse is that we're giving those weapons to a man who has already proven that he will happily go to war when the rest of the world tells him he can't. It sounds to me like someone needs to stop US pretty soon.

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