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Poor Performance Imo

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Yup, always keep the files all cleaned up, and I fragged the HD today, nothing worked. My first guess was I lost performance due to updating my VGA driver, you think thats possible that the newer driver might not favor that game as much?

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How are you doing in the temperature department? If it starts out running great, then slows down over a period of play time, it could be heat issues. Dusty fans perhaps?


I fragged the HD today

haha :lol:

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I'll try and locate the driver that I was using when I bought the game and load it back on to see if that help, and as of heat issues there are none. Full load after hours (and sometimes days) of game play I hit a max of 52C on my VGA, and my CPU is somewhere in the mid 40's. Also, I painted my entire case black a while back and it makes dust really visible, so I completely clean it out with a air canister and alcohol wipes once a month.


I update every time ATI releases another update, so right now I'm running their latest.

Edited by computerfreakxv

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WoW is an online game right.

So maybe it has something to do with that?

It could be the game (I'm sure it gets updates quite often right?),

it could be drivers.. whatever


I would check out a few other games and see if you still have problems before laying the blame on the hardware. Or try and remember the drivers you were using when first installed and try them again.

Obviously if you still have problems with other games and drivers, then you will want to check it out further and might eventually consider an RMA of your card or somesuch thing.

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I thought of that too, but I'm running on 2 servers, one with a high population and one with a low population and performance seems the same on both. The one problem with loading other games up and seeing how they run is that it's been so long since I have played any of my other games that I really cant remember how well they played and what settings I had them at. When I get some extra time today away from school I'm going to run 3DMark and compare scores from now with my recorded scores from then... maybe that will help be narrow down the possibilities.

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