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Official World of Warcraft (WoW) Discussion Thread


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Well, Warlocks and Hunters get a big nerf in the next patch ( My Girlfriend has been messing around on the test realm. ) and the new epic mounts are pretty awesome, though some are a bit uglier than the current ones.


The Night Elf Sabers get much worse at level 60 now, as do the Warlock "Nightmares"

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I need to hop on the test realm and see what the new mounts look like.. though, I'm not sure if I want to try and get an epic mount or one of the new mounts coming with the honor system rewards. :P



I've also added some more WoW Screen shots here. :)

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Felwood is pretty miserable ..but anyway..about the useing pots in dueling..as a rogue i think it should be allowed..i mean as a leather wearer going up against a warrior sometimes a little boost is all i need to win.


And about the priests/casters owning rogues..not always true..first of all it depends on the players...when you have the ability to use evasion, vanish, sneak back up on them, poison them so they cant cast, cheap shot etc....how can you lose? :-)

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true, it also depends on the situation, like if i KNOW theres a rouge around ill stay in bear form and if he attacks ill win (roots for teh w1n! lol) however if i my druid gets nailed in caster form or cat form..im generally screwd

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well i just went to the swamp of sorrows.


That is the most misarable place ive ever seen.



The Draenor are ugly sum'. eh?

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lol ya they are.



I dont think ive ever pvped a priest before. But i can handle mages preaty well.


bascily its


CS > Sin Strike > Sin Strike > Kidney Shot > Sin Strike > Sin Strike > (however many seconds i stuned him for) > Critical damage evisacrate


This is providing he doesnt polymorph me and runs away when hes got 1/8 health

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I owned a higher level rogue with my mage the other day... he stuck up behind me and sapped me. I blinked out of the sap, hit him with frost to slow him down and then froze him in place... after that it was arcane to death. :P I didn't even have to pull out the sheep spell, which I would have as a desperation move.


Had he used a poison on me, I'd have been screwed. :lol: Darn nub rogues. :P


It just all goes back to the player and how they are specked out.



I got my first run in Scholomance last night... it's an ok place. A lot of caster and rogue stuff dropped though. :/ I still like Dire Maul, BRS, and Strathome better. If I had to pick my favorite so far it would be Strat.


I think Caer Darrow in Eastern Plaguelands is the most miserable place, though there are a lot of close contenders in WoW. :P

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I like my lvl 26 NElf druid. All my talent points are in restoration. So I like to sit back in groups and keep everyone healed and buffed. When i run out of mana i drink some mana pots. I have plenty of them because my profession is herbalism/alchemy.

I do well in soloing too. Entangling roots/ moonfire/starfire/fairiefire/ then catform and melee if needed. Or, just cat form and sneek up behind them and shred, rip, claw, ect.

I dont use bear form too much anymore. I use water form when i need to travel fast and there is water near by.

I cant wait until lvl 30 when i get my travel form. I think its 50% faster than running. That will hold me up until i get my mount at lvl 40, which is 60% faster than walking.


Yea, pets are pretty useless( not hunter or warlock pets). I bought a hawk owl, its just for looks. It would be nice if i could have more than one pet following me at a time, like a mechanical squirrell and a hawk owl and somthing else.. It would look like i am one with nature and animals follow me around.

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Well i just started my 4th proffesion in 2 weeks.




bascily im just gonna dienchant stuff and sell it at the AH for some quick cash. Because right now, beating the money out of everything aint working too well.

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Well i just started my 4th proffesion in 2 weeks.




bascily im just gonna dienchant stuff and sell it at the AH for some quick cash. Because right now, beating the money out of everything aint working too well.



You tried skinning and herbs? They sell good at the AH. ;)

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